

(全职,发布于2008-09-08) 相关搜索
  • 工作地点:上海
  • 职位:专卖店店员Sales Associate
  • 信息来源:前程无忧


- 高中以上文化程度
- 两年以上奢华品零售或涉外高星级酒店等服务行业工作经验
- 有高级时装或腕表珠宝销售经验者优先考虑
- 性格开朗,积极热情
- 待人诚恳,工作勤奋,具有良好的团队合作精神
- 普通话标准,会日常英语或日语会话优先考虑
- 懂基本的电脑操作



现因本公司业务发展需要,诚聘所述职位。 如您有兴趣加入路易威登,请把您的详细简历随附近照以邮寄或电子邮件的形式发往本公司。公司将为最终录用者提供完善的培训系统和职业发展机会。(请注明职位编号)

Since 1854, the name of Louis Vuitton has been synonymous with the manufacture of high quality luggage, travel and leather items. Louis Vuitton is a subsidiary of LVMH, the leading global group to specialize in prestigious luxury products. Since 1998, Louis Vuitton has diversified into ready-to-wear, shoes, watches and jewelry with resounding success. Nowadays, Louis Vuitton operates directly 23 stores in 18 different cities throughout Mainland China.

With our expansion in China, we cordially invite qualified applicants to apply for the position. We offer excellent training and career opportunities to the right candidate. We invite interested parties to send their full resume by post or by e-mail to us. Please quote the reference number on the envelope or subject heading.
公司网站: ww***com[点击查看]
地 址: 中国上海市南京西路1266号恒隆广场40楼4001室 40F, Plaza 66, 1266 Nanjing West Road
邮政编码: 200040
联 系 人: 人力资源部
电子邮箱: humanresources.china@
