

(全职,发布于2012-10-30) 相关搜索



MTR Corporation, a publicly listed company in HK, is regarded as one of the world’s leading railway operators, with proven success in our “rail plus property” business model.  In addition to transportation, our businesses also include station and commercial business, property development and management, consultancy services and franchise operations in Hong Kong, the Mainland of China and overseas.

We are actively engaged in a significant expansion of our network in Hong Kong, while building a growing portfolio of businesses in the Mainland of China and overseas.  To realise our vision and help us grow, we now invite you - the young and inspired – to join our Graduate Trainee Programme. 

Our Graduate Trainee Programme adopts a systematic and comprehensive approach to training and development with training opportunities being provided in the Mainland of China and Hong Kong.  We aim at developing a team of ambitious, innovative and professional future leaders who are committed in shaping MTR’s future development.  If you share the same vision, you will find a career in MTR Corporation both challenging and rewarding, with ample opportunities for personal and professional development.

About MTR Corporation

Key Facts

- One of the world’s leading railways for safety, reliability, customer service and cost efficiency carrying 4 million passengers every weekday in Hong Kong
- Established in 1975
- Listed in the Stock Exchanged of Hong Kong in 2000
- Merged with the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation in 2007

Key Numbers in 2010

 Total revenue: HK$29.5 billion
 Underlying profit: HK$8.66 billion

Hong Kong Passenger Services
 Share of franchised public transport market: 44.3%
 Total route length: 218 km

Hong Kong Network Expansion
 5 new rail projects under construction, adding 56km to our network

Property and other Businesses
 12 shopping centres in Hong Kong including the Elements
 18 floors of Two ifc
 Property development profit: HK$4.03 billion

Station Commercial and Rail Related Businesses
 Station Commercial and Rail Related Revenue: 12.6% of total revenue

Mainland and Overseas Growth
 850 million passengers carried by our rail operators in 5 cities outside of Hong Kong

Human Resources
 Employed 20,501 staff worldwide

Graduate Trainee Programme
The Graduate Trainee (GT) Programme is part of our Integrated Leadership Pipeline which aims at developing high potential staff with high functional and geographical mobility to meet the Corporation’s long term manpower needs in the Mainland of China.
Under the accelerated 2-year programme, GTs are developed along the general management path.  They will have intensive cross-functional rotations in the Mainland of China and in Hong Kong to gain in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience.
First Year - Corporate familiarisation in Hong Kong
- Network building
- Attachment to core businesses in Shenzhen
- First focused rotation in Shenzhen
Second Year - Continue with first focused job rotation in Shenzhen
- First Hong Kong rotation in Operations
- Enhance network building
From the 3rd year onwards, GT will - take up formal placement at senior supervisory level in Shenzhen or other hubs in the Mainland
- have second Hong Kong rotation in a specialised function
In the medium term - GTs will assume the role of a department head
In the long run - GTs will become leaders for our business hubs in the Mainland.
Leadership and Management Training throughout the Programme

Learning and Development Activities for GTs
We provide the following customised development initiatives in the GT Programme that are structured and comprehensive:
- Intensive induction programme
- Experiential team-building workshops
- Cross-functional job rotations
- Management and leadership training workshops
- Action learning projects
- Mentoring and individual coaching
- Study trips
- Participation in corporate events
- Outward Bound training
- Executive sharing sessions
- Community services / volunteering work

We are looking for:
Final year students or recent graduates with 1-2 years of working experience from all disciplines with excellent academic results and the following qualities:
- Strong leadership potential and interpersonal skills
- Good commercial acumen
- Strong problem solving skills
- Strong adaptability and flexibility
- Passion and commitment in the railway industry
- High mobility to travel and work in various cities in the Mainland
- Strong alignment with MTR Core Values
- Excellent command of English and Chinese

Why MTR Corporation?
- Promising development of the metro industry in the Mainland
- Our unique and time-tested "rail plus property" business model which provides sustainable growth for the Corporation and its staff
- High growth momentum of the Corporation with significant network expansion in Hong Kong and business growth in the Mainland as well as overseas
- Strong commitment and dedicated resources for staff development
- A fast track career for graduates through our leadership pipeline
- Early Responsibility and Sense of Achievement
- Customized development programmes that fit individual needs

联系电话 联系人
传真 2795 9991 邮箱
单位主页 ww***com[点击查看] 单位性质 三资企业
通讯地址 九龙湾,伟业街33号,德福广场港铁总部大楼 邮政编码
备注 截止申请日期:2012年11月4日,如有任何查询,请电邮:PEDD@mtr.com.hk,关于港铁公司2013年见习管理人员计划的资讯及申请办法,请连接到: mt***com[点击查看]。为维持公平性及一致性,只有透过mt***com[点击查看]投递的简历,我们才会进一步筛选。招聘时间表: 在线测试 2012年11月上旬; 首轮面试 2012年11月中旬; 评估中心 2012年11月下旬; 最后面试 2012年12月; 注:不同城市的招聘时间表会因应实际情况作出相应调整。 (zqi改)(qfh)

岗位 学历 招聘人数 点击数 发布时间
见习管理人员 不限 31 2012-10-30

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