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简介:公司简介 华翔航空科技有限公司由香港OSTAR HOLDINGS LIMITED、青岛迈司达精密机械有限公司和青岛百 ...

    华翔航空科技有限公司由香港OSTAR HOLDINGS LIMITED、青岛迈司达精密机械有限公司和青岛百思特机械有限公司合资兴办,总投资5000万美元, 华翔航空建立了中国第一家商用飞机零部件生产线,以生产航空发动机零部件、飞机结构件、涡轮机叶片叶盘零件为主。 
    华翔航空具有自己的研发中心,量产产品全部出口到普惠、MTU、GE等航空公司。华翔航空是世界第四个、国内首个为这些国际商用飞机生产配件的公司,全自动化制壳生产线,生产技术填补了国内空白。 其中普莱特和惠特尼(Pratt & Whitney),简称普惠,创建于1925年,是美国一家飞行器发动机制造商, 许多民用和军用飞行器都使用普惠的产品,是世界三大航空发动机制造商之一;MTU全称发动机及涡轮机联盟弗里德希哈芬股份有限公司,为戴姆勒-奔驰集团属下公司,是世界领先的柴油发动机制造商,产品广泛用于航空,舰船、重型汽车和工程机械、铁路机车。正基于此,华翔航空于2009年11月通过国际航空AS9100质量体系认证,2010年12月通过了ISO14001环境质量体系认证,2012年01月份通过OHSAS 18001职业安全健康体系认证,2012年9月通过国际特殊制程NADCAP认证。公司目前正在申报高新技术企业及青岛引智示范基地项目。

    * 工作经验:不限 
    * 最低学历:本科 
    * 招聘人数:1人 * 职位类别:质量管理/测试工程师 
    * 职位描述: 
    岗位职责:Position Responsibilities: 
    1. Set up inspection plan, prepare operation standards and make sure the provided inspection report could meet requirements. 
    1. 制定检验计划,作业标准,确保提供的检验报告满足要求。 
    2. Parts dimensions inspection. 
    2. 产品尺寸检验。 
    3. Identify and analyze problems during inspection process, propose suggestions & actions, and report them. 
    3. 识别并分析检验过程中的问题,提出建议措施,并报告。 
    4. Analyze inspection data and prepare tooling modification schemes. 
    4. 检测数据的分析,制定修模方案。 
    5. Responsible for preparing on-site inspection standard and specifications including reviewing records. 
    5. 负责现场检验标准及规范的制作和记录的审核。 
    6. Responsible for monitoring manufacturing process of parts and sample parts including first article inspection and finished parts inspection. 
    6. 负责产品、样品制造过程的监控,包括首件检验、成品检验。 
    7. Submit data requested by customer, participate in project meetings and complete tasks. 
    7. 客户要求资料提交及项目会议参加及任务的完成。 
    8. Customer Representative for review and check items related to shipment. 
    8. 客户代表,发运相关的审核及检测。 
    Position Requirements: 
    1. Mechanics Major or other related majors, bachelor degree or above. 
    1. 机械及相关专业毕业,本科及以上学历。 
    2. Be Able to read drawings and make simple drawings. 
    2. 有识图能力,会简单制图。 
    3. Be familiar with office software and skillful in EXCEL, ACCESS, data analysis and other software. 
    3. 熟练掌握办公软件应用,精通EXCEL、ACCESS、数据分析等软件的使用。 
    4. Good English listening and speaking abilities. 
    4. 较好的英语听说读写能力。 
    5. Have above 2 years working experience for better and we could also consider this year′s graduates if having interests 
    5. 2年以上工作经验为佳,应届毕业生有此方面兴趣也可考虑。 
    6. Prefer with persons familiar with sorts of measurement tools and having some knowledge of measurement equipment & software 
    6. 熟悉各种量测工具及对量测设备,量测软件有一定了解者优先。 
    * 工作经验:不限 
    * 最低学历:本科 
    * 招聘人数:1人 * 职位类别:质量管理/测试工程师 
    * 职位描述: 
    岗位职责:Position Responsibilities: 
    1. Grasp product contract, engineering agreement, product drawing, machining process and relevant specification requirement, prepare NDT procedure or technique sheet. 
    1. 掌握产品合同、技术协议、产品图纸、加工工艺、有关标准要求,编制无损检测程序文件或工艺。 2. According to relevant specification and quality regulations, supervise or perform NDT activities on site. 
    3. Prepare original records and NDT reports, be responsible for the daily check of system performance and establish products archives. 
    3.作好原始记录,开具无损检测报告,负责每天执行系统性能点检,建立产品档案。 4. Find and dispose issues occurred in NDT processing 
    4.发现并及时处理检测中出现的问题。 5. Drive for process continual improvement in NDT processing under the premise of satisfying customer and specification requirements. 
    5.在无损检测过程中,满足客户及规范要求的前提下进行持续改进活动。 6. Support the establishment and maintenance of NDT training program, be responsible for the new employee training. 
    6.支持无损检测培训项目的建立及维护,负责新员工培训 7. Support NADCAP and internal/external audits and customer related audits. 
    7. 支持NADCAP及内部/外部稽核及客户相关的稽核 
    Position Requirements: 
    1. Bachelor degree or more with Material and Science related major 
    1. 主修材料科学,本科及以上学历。 
    2. With working experience in NDT or hold certificate of PT and RT, preferential. 
    3. Be family with the principle of casting, welding process and metallic material. 
    3. 了解铸造和焊接技术以及金属材料的基本原理. 
    4. Skilled at Microsoft office software, Word/Excel/Power Point 
    4. 熟练应用办公软件Word/Excel/Power Point 
    5. Skilled in both spoken and written English, including Mechanical Engineering special terminology. 
    6. Ability to communicate with external customer and other parties. 
    6. 良好的与外部客户及其它组织沟通的能力。 
    7. Rigor, attention to details, confident, global thinking and compliance, team working. 
    7. 严格,专注,自信,整体思维及服从性,团队合作精神。 
    * 最低学历:本科 
    * 招聘人数:1人 
    * 职位描述 
    Position Responsibilities 
    1. 负责网络和服务器的维护,故障处理,保证网络端运行。 
    Responsible for maintaining network and servers, solving problems and keeping network site operating normally 
    2. 日常数据系统备份 
    Backup for daily data system 
    3. 监控网络的布线、调试和维护 
    Layout, adjust and maintain monitoring network 
    4. 程序开发、系统布置、数据维护 
    Program development, system setup and data maintenance; 
    5. 监视网络运行,管控电脑使用权限,保证数据安全 
    Monitor network operation, control computer usage permission and ensure data safety 
    6. 解决各种电脑故障 
    Solve all kinds of computer problems. 
    Position Requirements 
    1. 电子信息工程,计算机或自动化、测控等相关专业 
    Related majors such as Electronic Information Engineering, Computer or Automatic, Measurement & Control 
    2. 本科及以上学历 
    Bachelor degree or above 
    3. 熟练掌握C#,,VHDL或单片机、PLC开发,SQL等技能。 
    Master C#, , VHDL or SCM, PLC development, SQL and other skills 
    4. 英语CET-4以上 
    English level CET-4 or above 
    5. 责任心强,有团队意识 
    Have strong sense of responsibility and team spirit 

    地 址:青岛 莱西市李权庄工业园 204国道西 
    邮 编:266604 
    联 系 人:崔小姐


