

(兼职,发布于2016-11-30) 相关搜索
  • 工作地点:武汉
  • 职位:实验室档案管理实习生
  • 信息来源:前程无忧(51JOB)


福利:免费工作餐 职能类别:图书管理员/资料管理员 Missions工作职责: -Responsible for documents & samples of R&D laboratory management负责开发实验室文件及样品的管理 ; -Responsible for internal & external contact regarding test fulfillment负责内、外部实验实施的联系 ; -Responsible for local government & customer test specification obtainment, consolidation, update & documentation负责实验室国家、客户实验标准的收集、整理、更新、存档; -Responsible for original test record & sample management, including receipt, bookbinding, documentation, disposal & documentation负责原始记录和样品的接收、试验后样品的装订、保存、处置、建立档案; -Responsible for the inventory management of the articles & consumable material in laboratory负责实验室各种物品、耗材的库存管理; -Participate into the system procedure of the laboratory built-up参与编制实验室的质量体系程序文件; -Responsible for 6S of the working area负责实验室工作场所、环境卫生的清扫、物品摆放、整理; Requirements任职资格: -Familiar with office software熟练操作Office办公软件; -Documentation management档案资料的管理; -Good communication capability良好的理解能力; -Calibration preferred会计量、校验优先;


公司名称:泰佛(上海)声学技术咨询有限公司 公司类型:外资(欧美) 公司规模:少于50人 公司介绍:泰佛集团 Treves Group 法国泰佛集团是具有百年历史的全球化的法国汽车内饰件和隔音件专家,产品纵向融合从原材料到最后成品的所有环节产品。我们在全球23个国家拥有40家工厂、6000多名员工,我们的客户均为全球知名的汽车制造商,如标致,雪铁龙,雷诺,大众,宝马,丰田,本田等。我们在法国里斯设有一个研发中心,每年集团在研发方面的投入超过总营业额的7%。 Treves Group, a family owned company since 1836, is a world class interior trim specialist vertical integrated from raw materials to final products. We have 40 plants worldwide located in 23 nations with more than 6000 employees. Our customers are world well-known automotive manufacturer, such as, Peugeot, Citroen, Renault, VW, BMW, Toyota, Honda, etc. The Research & Development centre is located in Reims, each year 7% of turnover is dedicated to R&D. 泰佛在中国 Treves in China 1993:在江苏太仓与江苏中联地毯厂(申达集团)合作。 原材料国产化:针刺地毯和涂层 转让模压声学件、内饰件和行李箱内饰零件 Treves cooperated with Jiang Su Zhonglian Carpet Company (Shenda Group) in Jiangsu Taicang, 1993. Raw material localization: needle punched carpets and coat Moulding acoustic parts, interior parts and trunk interior parts 2003年:在湖北武汉成立武汉泰昌汽车内饰件有限公司(TRECANG),其中泰佛控股70%,申达30%控股。 Treves built up Wuhan Trecang Automotive Interior Co.,ltd in Wuhan in 2003, 70% of which is held by Treves and 30% is held by Shenda. 2006年:在湖北武汉成立泰佛集团拥有100%股权的武汉泰盛汽车内饰件有限公司(TRESHENG)。 Treves founded Wuhan Tresheng Automotive Interior Co.,ltd in Wuhan in 2006, 100% owned by Treves. 2009年:在上海成立中国区业务总部,主要包括 顾客服务 商务开发 设计部(织物面料) 采购中心(中国和海外市场) Treves set up China business headquarter in Shanghai in 2009, including: Customer Service Business Development Designation (Fabric textile) Purchasing Centre(China and overseas market) 2010年:收购北京德多乐工厂,并于2012年乔迁至沈阳新工厂,为德多乐纺织品(北京)有限公司沈阳分公司,系集团全资子公司。2013年10月更名为泰弗斯纺织品(北京)有限公司沈阳分公司 主要为宝马(BMW)提供背发泡和簇绒地毯。 Purchasing Duramotive(Beijing)Co., ltd in 2010, and relocate to Shenyang in 2012 and buil up Shenyang Branch of Duramotive(Beijing)Co., ltd, 100% owned by Treves Group.In Oct, 2013, the company name was changed to Shenyang Branch of Duramotive(Beijing)Co., ltd. Supply tufting carpets with back foaming to BBA 企业文化 Mindsets 一个泰佛ONE TREVES   团队合作(包括多功能)Teamwork(including cross functional)   积极的行为方式Positive behavior   领导力Leadership   快速执行Execute with speed   关注结果Focus on results   承担目标Committed to objectives   国际化思维International mindset   接受改变Change acceptance   勇于接受挑战Bold, take up challenges   扩展性思维Think out of the box