

(全职,发布于2017-08-14) 相关搜索
  • 工作地点:其它
  • 职位:不加班高提成诚聘销售
  • 信息来源:前程无忧(51JOB)


公司官网:ww***com[点击查看] 福利:五险一金 餐饮补贴 通讯补贴 专业培训 绩效奖金 年终奖金 食堂午餐 出国机会 员工旅游 职能类别:金融产品销售 闯! 迈出你的第一步! 不惧困难,不怕拒绝! 去相信,去证明,梦想一触即发! 高薪不是幻影,只要你愿意! 只要你符合: 1、优秀的沟通能力、良好的抗压力;   2、工作严谨负责,处事客观积极,态度端正勤勉;   3、具有金融、外汇等方面的知识优先考虑;   4、有上进心,责任心强,有良好的团队合作精神;   5、较强的观察力,分析、解决问题的能力与突发事件应变能力。  工作是为了提高生活的质量与乐趣。 办公室桌是你发挥无限创意的舞台。 我们就提供: 1、温馨,和谐并且高端的EWGfx国度,高新区 5A级 超3000平的豪华双层写字楼;  2、傲娇的薪资待遇,无责任底薪+高绩效+高提成+工龄工资+年终奖+补贴 ; 3、妥妥的未来保障,五险一金(养老、医疗、工伤、失业、生育、住房公积金); 4、上班时间9:00-6:00,周末双休。小资生活就该双休。加班?NO! 与我无关; 5、以为有双休就够了?每月另多有半天的带薪假,幸福感爆棚! 6、听说奉公守法放假的企业,才是好老板。法定节假日我们放假、放假、放假! 7、春节、情人节、圣诞节、等等节没收到礼物?来EWGfx,节假日低调奢华的惊喜礼物! 8、生日party,蛋糕 好吃,绝对happy! 9、我在实况直播旅游、和同事们买买买。你却在上班…… 加入EWGfx公司组织一年不少于2次境内外出游! 10、不想当将军的士兵,不是好士兵:每年2次竞聘上岗(销售代表—代理主管—部门主管—部门经理)  11、辛苦一周,是否需要充电?每周五下午定期脑力充电,组织各类团建活动、技能培训! 12、员工活动室:兵乓球、台球、跑步机等~~马甲线都不是问题 13、人性化的管理制度:关怀员工、注重沟通的企业文化,打造家文化; 这里有你想要的一切!只要敢想,没有什么做不了! 无限的发展空间,我们的成长邀请你一同参与! 公司名称:意威金融信息服务(上海)有限公司山东分公司 人力资源部:0531-55573326 0531-55573327 0531-55573328 公司网址:ww***com[点击查看]


公司名称:意威金融信息服务(上海)有限公司山东分公司 公司类型:合资 公司规模:150-500人 公司介绍:关于我们 ABOUT EWGfx EWGfx为国际知名的金融经纪服务商,致力于降低全球投资者投资风险,其拥有独立的MT4交易平台,迄今已向来自全球多国的数十万交易者提供过服务。EWGfx在管理、财务报表和披露方面均依照最高标准执行。EWGfx致力于为金融机构及零售客户提供广泛的金融衍生产品交易,主要包括外汇、贵金属、能源等CFD产品。 EWGfx在资本市场中为投资者提供完善优质的金融配套服务,投资者可以根据自身需求制定更加安全合理的投资组合,透过先进的交易软件直接获取来自市场的报价。 EWGfx is an internationally recognized financial service broker, dedicated to helping global investors to reduce the risk of investing. EWGfx has an independent MT4 trading platform and has provided services to hundreds of thousands of traders around the world. EWGfx is governed by the highest standards in terms of management, financial reporting and disclosure. EWGfx is committed to providing institutional and retail clients with a wide range of financial derivative products including foreign exchange, precious metals, energy and other CFD products. EWGfx strives to provide investors with quality financial support services in the capital market. With our advanced trading software, investors can receive the updated market price and develop safer and more reasonable investment portfolios based on their needs. EWGfx总部位于澳大利亚悉尼,受澳大利亚证券投资委员会(ASIC)的授权与监管,拥有金融服务牌照(AFSL)。其自进入中国市场后,迅速以其强大的技术开发能力及高品质的服务赢得了广大投资者的认可。EWGfx以一对一精确服务与技术支持的市场策略,通过组织研讨会、讲座、培训、在线咨询等市场活动,为介绍经纪商(IB)和终端客户(TA)提供了全面、周到、细致的顾问式服务。凭着优质周到的服务,EWGfx平台的市场占有率在较短时间内迅速增长。 Based in Sydney, Australia, EWGfx is licensed and regulated by Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), having an Australian financial services license (AFSL). Since its entering the Chinese market, EWGfx quickly becomes widely recognized by investors with its powerful technology development capacity and quality services. EWGfx provides one-on-one precise services and technical support and marketing functions including seminars, lectures, training sessions and online consulting, comprehensive, thoughtful and meticulous services have been provided. Relying on quality and attentive services, EWGfx witnesses a fast growing of its market share in a relatively short time. 为什么选择EWGfx WHY CHOOSE EWGfx 点差数据值得信赖 Reliable spread data 作为您值得信赖的交易商,我们所提供的点差数据一样值得您信赖。我们的点差信息客观透明、真实可靠。您可以参考“平均点差”了解通常情况下最可能获得的点差,也可以通过“实时点差”了解此刻的实际点差报价。 平均点差:最近一个月点差的中位数,反映该报价的普遍性和稳定性,是您通常情况下最有可能获得的点差之重要参考。比如EUR/USD的平均点差为2.0,即意味着您有50%的机会获得低于2.0的点差,同时也有50%的机会点差会高于2.0点。 实时点差:您所看到的点差,就是我们的客户此刻获得的点差。我们或许是至今业内唯一能将点差100%实时、透明公开的交易商。 As your trusted dealer, we provide the spread date that is worth you trust as well. Our spread information is objective, transparent and reliable. You could both refer to the 'average spread' to expect the most possible spread and have access to the actual spread quotation at the very moment by viewing 'real-time spread'. Average spread: The median of data in the latest month, reflecting both universality and stability, a major reference for the spreads that you are most likely to receive in usual circumstances. For example, the average spread of EUR/USD is 2.0, meaning that there is 50% chance for a spread below 2.0 while 50% change above 2.0. Real-time spread: The spread you see is what our clients get at this very point. We are probably the only trading broker that can public spreads 100% instantaneously and transparently. 公司实力雄厚 Well-resourced company 正因为雄厚的实力和健康的财务,我们能够长期、稳定地与全球***的报价和流动性供应商保持深度合作,为您争取行业最低报价,持续向您提供非常具竞争力的点差。 Because of rich resources and healthy finance, we are able to maintain long-term and stable cooperation with the world's top liquidity providers, with a view to offering you the lowest quotation and constantly providing you with competitive spreads. 报价技术保障 Quoting technology providing security 通过高端的报价技术,EWGfx为每一个交易产品的点差设立了极低的底限,以全自动的方式保障客户能够获得一个非常有竞争力的最低点差。 By providing sophisticated quoting technology, EWGfx sets a low limit for every trading product, securing a competitive lowest spread for clients automatically.                                                    Investor education to make trading easier.                                                              ——打造投资者教育 让交易更简单                                                                                WW***COM[点击查看]                                                                            Service@                                                                             +86 400 053 0807 1、舒适的工作环境: 5A级豪华写字楼; 2、无责任底薪+高绩效+高提成+年终奖+补贴; 3、五险一金(养老、医疗、工伤、失业、生育、住房公积金); 4、工作时间:周末双休(享受一切法定节假日及部分国外节假日),无加班; 5、重大节日福利; 6、公司组织一年不少于2次境内外出游; 7、培训机制:带薪岗前培训+岗上培训+完善的金融知识+销售技巧的培训 8、晋升空间:每年2次竞聘上岗(销售代表—代理主管—部门主管—部门经理) 9、人性化的管理制度:关怀员工、注重沟通的企业文化,打造家文化; 10、我公司系无责任底薪,薪酬体系、福利体系完善,晋升空间巨大,有付出就有回报; 11、员工活动室(乒乓球、台球、健身器材等)