

(兼职,发布于2017-08-14) 相关搜索
  • 工作地点:上海
  • 职位:金桥校区中心经理助理 (暑期+秋季实习)
  • 信息来源:前程无忧(51JOB)


职能类别:实习生 职能类别:行政专员/助理 职位描述: 1. 协助中心经理进行中心日常行政工作 2. 协助中心经理进行初步市场调查,执行市场计划,如开设讲座等 3. 协助老师批改考卷/学生注册/记录学生出勤情况/协助准备课堂资料 4. 按时完成中心经理交办的各项其他工作 工作时间:暑期周一至周五,秋季双休日,其他时间面议 职位要求: 熟练运用Excel,Word,Power Point。 英语熟练,能够使用英语作为工作、邮件语言。 保持良好的出勤率和准时率。 能熟练掌握流程化作业。 能融入企业文化并以身作则。 技能要求: 能够理解和执行英语口头和书面要求。 良好的沟通、组织协作能力。 态度认真负责,能仔细完成细节问题。 快速学习的能力。 良好的待人接物能力。 团队协作能力。 能处理好人际关系。


公司名称:上海翌立教育科技有限公司 公司类型:外资(欧美) 公司规模:少于50人 公司介绍: Elite教育集团(美国)于1987年成立于美国南加州,鼎力支持全球学生实现美国教育梦想,多年来稳居美国升学辅导领先地位。Elite注重学生的长期培养和全面发展,提升和培养学生的领导力。总部位于美国,了解美国学校招生目标和美国教学体系。 近30年来,Elite成为赴美留学咨询,美国高中大学标化考试辅导课程领域的领跑者。 Elite在1997年首次进行海外扩张,在韩国首尔设立分校。从此,全球留学生也有机会享受Elite高品质的服务。Elite的分校遍布全球,在美国,加拿大,韩国,日本等共有49所分校。我们为所有学员提供最专业的辅导,卓越的课程,以及最新的资讯。 Elite(中国)于2012年5月进入上海,成为Elite在全球的第46所分校。配备了专业的导师及顾问,带给上海学生真正的美式教育体验。所有参与Elite课程与升学指导的学员们,都从中获益良多。 现在,我们期待更多的热衷于国际教育者,加入我们的团队~~ 我们的骄傲: 6个国家,49个校区(美国,加拿大,韩国,日本,中国,印尼)                        每年全球30000+学生进入Elite学习                        每年从总部招聘培训900名教师                        每年5%-8% SAT满分学生来自Elite                        每年100+ Elite学生被美国顶尖私立高中每年录取                        每年2500+ Elite学生被美国排名前50大学录取                        每所常春藤学校每年平均录取约20位Elite学生                        每所加州大学分校录取200+Elite学生 Since 1987, Elite Education Group has been training generations of students and families around the world to achieve their American education dreams and be a part of the leadership class through long term, master-planned, well-rounded education. Our performance historically still is unmatched in the world. In 1989, the Elite International Curriculum Division was founded in Los Angeles to create the best and highest quality curriculum for only Elite students. It was the first and still is the only one of its kind. As Elite expanded its academic services in 6 countries, the Elite International Division has been tasked in bringing about the global resources and assets of the company to each local branch and its clients. One of those most powerful resources i s the International consulting Division, to provide strategic guidance on top of local Elite academic services. Our Consulting service have been validated by membership to the most prestigious National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC). Most recently and most excitingly, Elite has been accredited by the Western Association of School and Colleges (WASC) as a school of such academic quality and meritorious service that we can issue grades and transcripts recognized by all universities in America. In China, it is our intention to establish the same system of student development and success building generations of children who will grow up to be the leaders of their communities, companies, and country. Elite Education per Year: 6 countries: USA, Canada, Korea, Japan, China, Indonesia 30,000 students 900+ teachers hired, trained, oversight from our HQ in California 6 countries: USA, Canada, Korea, Japan, China, Indonesia 49 directly operated learning centers 5-8% of SAT perfect scores worldwide are Elite students 100+ students to Top Private High Schools per Year 2500+ students to Top 50 Schools per Year 200+ students to each of the University of California schools (ex. UCLA, UC Berkeley) 25+ to each of the Ivy League schools