

(全职,发布于2017-09-01) 相关搜索
  • 工作地点:广州
  • 职位:助理工程师(大电池产品部)-广州
  • 信息来源:前程无忧(51JOB)


专业1:化学 专业2:材料化学 职能类别:电池/电源开发 职能类别:认证工程师

Position Summary

This position is responsible for all activities related to his projects.

Job Responsibilities 

1.Act and perform according to the Quality Policy; 

2.Keep a professional attitude towards all customers and colleagues; 

3.Communicate with customers; 

4.Communicate with other groups / teams; 

5.Perform other duties assigned by his Project Manager / Group Leader; 

6.Handling projects and finishing tests and projects within lead time; 

7.Review projects and prepare technical and test reports;

8.Explain non-compliance points to customers; 

9.Provide technical support to sales staff; 

Job Requirements

1.Related battery field background would be preferred;

2.University degree or above in Electrical Engineering and in the electronic industry or equivalent;

3.Advanced in both written and oral in English and Chinese;

4.Hardworking, self-motivated, and having a mind-set of team work;

5.Curiosity for new product;

6.Good consultative communication skill to client;

7.Self-study ability.


公司名称:南德认证检测(中国)有限公司上海分公司 公司类型:外资(欧美) 公司介绍:T?V南德意志集团成立于1866年,总部位于德国慕尼黑,凭借世界级的服务及领先的德国技术享誉全球。T?V南德意志大中华集团总部设在上海,主要分公司分布在北京、广州、深圳、厦门、香港、台北等,设有约40个分支机构及实验室网络,贯穿整个大中华区,为客户提供资讯,检验,测试,专家意见,认证和培训服务。 T?V南德意志集团服务的行业涵盖了电子电气、航空、汽车、医疗器械、食品、能源、化工、通讯、轨道交通、纺织、大型工业设备、游乐设施等等,是客户值得信赖的过程伙伴。曾参与完成德国欧洲主题公园、上海世博德国馆、中国香港海洋公园、上海崇明隧道等重大项目的检验认证。