

(全职,发布于2017-10-17) 相关搜索


公司官网:ww***.cn[点击查看] 职能类别:人事助理 职能类别:人事专员 人事助理 实习生 职位描述: 1、 协助组织、安排应聘人员的面试;    2、 协助办理员工入职及转正、调动、离职等异动手续; 3、人事、行政助理相关工作;    4、内线/总机接听,基本咨询及准确转接; 5、访客的接待、基本咨询和引见; 6、日常行政事务及办公用品、办公环境管理;  7、 完成人力资源部经理交办的其它事项。 岗位要求: 1、良好的书面语言组织能力和口头表达能力; 2、善于沟通、细心周到、灵活主动、责任心强; 3、熟练运用基本的office软件,如Word、Excel、PPT. 4、欢迎大四、研三在校生投递 5、此岗位需要全职实习(每周5天,周末双休),实习期至少保证4个月。 备注:澳洲外企,隶属人力资源部,工作氛围佳。 工作地址:上海市恒丰路568号恒汇国际大厦 公司官网:ww***.cn[点击查看] 有兴趣者请把简历发送至:vicky.dong@


公司名称:Isentia 公司类型:外资(非欧美) 公司规模:500-1000人 公司介绍:Isentia is the Asia-Pacific region's leading media intelligence company, providing clients the tools and insight to discover and highlight what's happened for them and what can shape their future in the media landscape Our 1,100+ employees across 15 countries filter information from over 10,000 print, radio and television media outlets and over 250 million online conversations per month. We provide over 6,000 clients with information, analysis 24/7/365. Our services help drive smarter decisions by enabling clients to make sense of the issues that drive the traditional and social media agenda, manage media relationships effectively, track and analyse issues of interest across all media. We offer an opportunity to work with a great team of talented, innovative and passionate people across the Asia-Pacific and access to our innovative search technology, comprehensive coverage and expert research. We also offer competitive salary and a heap of benefits like discounted private health insurance, free fruit at work, free flu shots and great social events. Check us out The Isentia story :ww***com[点击查看] Twitter: @isentia LinkedIn: Isentia If media matters to you, our Isentia blog(ww***com[点击查看]) is a must read.