

(全职,发布于2017-11-20) 相关搜索


公司官网:ww***.cn[点击查看] 专业1:人力资源管理 专业2:建筑学 福利:餐饮补贴 职能类别:人事助理




In 1980, China’s first Sino-foreign joint venture design firm, Huasen Architectural& Engineering Designing Consultants Ltd. (HSA), was established in Hong Kong and Shenzhen by the Architecture Design Institute Ministry of Construction (now the China Architecture Design & Research Group). In 2012, Huasen is wholly owned by the China Architecture Design & Research Group (a Central Enterprise of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council).In 2014, Huasen is wholly owned by the China Construction Technology Consulting Co.Ltd. (a Central Enterprise of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council).


Huasen is a National Innovative and High Tech Enterprise, which owns a number of honorary titles, such as “Trusted Enterprise of the National Architectural Design Industry”, “Excellent Enterprise of Guangdong Province”, ” National Famous Brand of Guangdong Province”, “Well-known Brand of Shenzhen” and “Outstanding Enterprise in the Survey and Design Industry in Shenzhen”, among others.


Now, the headquarters of Huasen is located in Shenzhen, and the company also has branches in Guangzhou, ***jing, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Chengdu, Kunming, Beijing, Shanghai and Haikou. Huasen hosts Beijing ZPAD Authorized by CAD Group. Huasen has formed a trans-regional and integrated management network with its center in Shenzhen.


Huasen’s business covers the entire spectrum of architecture and engineering design, including building and residential block planning, structures, water supply and drainage, air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation, electric power and telecommunications, e***ironment and landscape, and general consulting, including construction design evaluation. Huasen is a company with powerful technology, offering complete professional services and modern design and management methods. In 2001, Huasen passed the ISO9001 International Quality Management System Certification.


Huasen’s core businesses include hotel, super high-rise (office building), urban complex, and residential design. Building on our years of experience, and with a rich experience in servicing various kinds of clients, excellent teams, and with constant improvement in our management and service system, Huasen has created a high quality and reputation for "HSA Product”.


Huasen has more than 1000 staff, among which over 140 are the first-class registered architects (engineers) and registered planners, over 100 are senior architects (engineers); there are more than 30 foreign senior architects (including overseas returnees) in our international design team.


Obedient to its core value, “Build Glory, Design Life”, Huasen is devoted to becoming one of the best design companies in both the domestic and international markets, providing our clients with the best and most professional service possible.


公司名称:深圳华森建筑与工程设计顾问有限公司 公司类型:合资 公司规模:500-1000人 公司介绍:深圳华森建筑与工程设计顾问有限公司是1980年经国家外经部批准,建设部建筑设计研究院在香港和深圳创办的中国第一家中外合资建筑设计企业。2012年,华森公司变更为中国建筑设计研究院集团(国务院国资委管辖中央企业)全资子公司。2014年,华森变更为中国建设科技集团股份有限公司(国务院国资委管辖中央企业)全资子公司。 In 1980, China’s first Sino-foreign joint venture design firm, Huasen Architectural& Engineering Designing Consultants Ltd. (HSA), was established in Hong Kong and Shenzhen by the Architecture Design Institute Ministry of Construction (now the China Architecture Design & Research Group). In 2012, Huasen is wholly owned by the China Architecture Design & Research Group (a Central Enterprise of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council).In 2014, Huasen is wholly owned by the China Construction Technology Consulting Co.Ltd. (a Central Enterprise of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council). 公司是深圳勘察设计行业协会会长单位,广东省勘察设计协会副会长单位,中国勘察设计协会常务理事单位。曾获得过全国建筑设计行业诚信单位、广东省优秀企业、广东省全国名牌、深圳知名品牌、深圳勘察设计行业优秀企业、“2013年-2015年广东省守合同重信用企业”和“当代中国建筑设计百家名院”等多项荣誉称号。 Huasen is a National Innovative and High Tech Enterprise, which owns a number of honorary titles, such as “Trusted Enterprise of the National Architectural Design Industry”, “Excellent Enterprise of Guangdong Province”, ” National Famous Brand of Guangdong Province”, “Well-known Brand of Shenzhen” and “Outstanding Enterprise in the Survey and Design Industry in Shenzhen”, among others. 公司总部位于深圳,在广州、南京、杭州、重庆、成都、昆明、北京、上海、海口设立了分支机构,并代集团管理北京中旭公司,形成了以深圳为中心,延伸全国的跨地区、一体化经营格局。 Now, the headquarters of Huasen is located in Shenzhen, and the company also has branches in Guangzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Chengdu, Kunming, Beijing, Shanghai and Haikou. Huasen hosts Beijing ZPAD Authorized by CAD Group. Huasen has formed a trans-regional and integrated management network with its center in Shenzhen. 公司经营范围为承包各类建筑工程设计的勘察和设计,承接有关建筑工程可行性研究、规划设计、装修设计、庭院布置、绿化、工程管理、工程总承包、技术资询及设备材料的供应。公司拥有建筑工程设计甲级资质、建筑智能化系统工程设计甲级资质、城乡规划编制乙级资质。2001年至今,公司通过并持续保持ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证。 Huasen’s business covers the entire spectrum of architecture and engineering design, including building and residential block planning, structures, water supply and drainage, air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation, electric power and telecommunications, environment and landscape, and general consulting, including construction design evaluation. Huasen is a company with powerful technology, offering complete professional services and modern design and management methods. In 2001, Huasen passed the ISO9001 International Quality Management System Certification. 公司是国家高新技术企业,以超高层(办公)、城市综合体、酒店设计及中高端住宅为核心业务板块,多年打造了“华森设计”的品质和声誉。在深圳曾创造多个第一。第一个五星级酒店—南海酒店;在使用的深圳第一高楼—京基100(441.8米);第一座钢结构办公楼—深圳发展中心;第一座体育场馆—深圳体育场、深圳体育馆;第一座大型综合医院—深圳中心医院;第一项深圳市金牛奖—万科城市花园。自成立以来公司设计作品累计获国家、省部、地市级奖项435项,其中国际级奖项2项,***奖项7项,国家、部省、市级设计一等奖60余项。 Huasen’s core businesses include hotel, super high-rise (office building), urban complex, and residential design. Building on our years of experience, and with a rich experience in servicing various kinds of clients, excellent teams, and with constant improvement in our management and service system, Huasen has created a high quality and reputation for "HSA Product”. 华森公司有高素质的各类专业技术和管理人才超过1000人,其中国家一级注册建筑师、国家一级注册结构工程师、国家注册规划师、国家注册公用设备工程师超过140人;高级建筑(工程)师超过100人;国际化设计团队外籍主创(含海归)超过30人。 Huasen has more than 1000 staff, among which over 140 are the first-class registered architects (engineers) and registered planners, over 100 are senior architects (engineers); there are more than 30 foreign senior architects (including overseas returnees) in our international design team. 公司始终秉承“建筑美好,设计生活”的核心价值观,致力于成为国内乃至国际一流的设计服务公司,为顾客提供最专业和最优质的服务。 Obedient to its core value, “Build Glory, Design Life”, Huasen is devoted to becoming one of the best design companies in both the domestic and international markets, providing our clients with the best and most professional service possible. 有意者请发简历、照片和个人独立完成的2-3幅作品 !并在邮件主题中依次注明:“姓名”“应聘职位”“希望工作地点”(深圳、广州、南京、杭州、重庆、成都)