

(全职,发布于2017-12-19) 相关搜索


专业1:化学工程与工艺 专业2:精细化工 职能类别:化工技术应用/化工工程师 职能类别:化工实验室研究员/技术员

Operational Excellence is at the heart of everything we do. Boosting efficiency, creating high performing teams and continuously improving our processes - whilst maintaining the highest standards of safety - all require great technical knowledge combined with outstanding leadership. As an Operations Graduate, you’ll develop the skills needed to make this happen.

You’ll experience a number of our facilities and manufacturing/process technologies across the UK, gaining fascinating insights, with each rotation building the level of responsibility you take on. Whether managing teams, processes or driving through improvement activity your placements could involve working in, for example:

Auto-catalyst manufacturingt – as the supplier of one third of the world’s auto-catalysts, our high-tech production facilities are continually evolving.

Industrial catalysts and absorbents – serving a number of industries, from pharmaceuticals to refineries, always ensuring the highest production standards

Precious Metal Products - manages, distributes, refines and recycles precious metals and fabricates products using precious metals and related materials.

Battery systems - design and manufacture of advanced lithium-ion battery systems tailored to the specific needs of our customers – from prototype to volume production.

The above provides just a flavour of the breadth of our organisation. You’ll help us share best practice across the group and benefit from our Manufacturing Excellence training programmes, with access to support from leading experts from across the globe.

Operations entry requirements

A sound academic record in a relevant degree such as Manufacturing Engineering, Chemical Engineering or Materials Science.


公司名称:庄信万丰(上海)化工有限公司 公司类型:外企代表处 公司介绍:庄信万丰(Johnson Matthey)于1817年建立于英国伦敦,是一家全球性专用化学品公司,致力于发展催化剂、贵金属和精细化学品核心技术.它在英国受尊敬的公司中排名第二位, 是先进催化剂生产技术的世界领导者,世界最大的铂系金属提纯及分销商之一, 在全球超过30个国家及13000名员工. 庄信万丰(上海)化工有限公司于2000年7月13日在上海松江建立,拥有制造车间、研发中心、仓库和办公设施,总占地面积超过79,000平方米.从2001年开始正式投入生产,目前拥有超过600名员工. 如今,松江工厂拥有多条可生产各类产品的生产线,产品覆盖三元催化剂、柴油机氧化催化剂、CSF颗粒捕捉器等.我们的产品采用庄信万丰研发的世界级技术,这样的技术同样应用于排放控制技术单元在全球的工厂. 作为庄信万丰排放控制技术在中国的核心业务单元,公司在北京,重庆和广州设有销售办公室.为应对中国汽车领域日益增长的需求,公司已建立起覆盖全国服务网络. 公司诚聘各界英才,一经录用,公司将为员工提供具有竞争力的薪酬福利,并提供多条上下班班车线路。 公司网站:ww***com[点击查看] 有意者请email: hrectshanghai@ 或邮寄个人中英文简历至上海市松江区东兴路588号 庄信万丰(上海)化工有限公司 HR部门收