

(全职,发布于2019-02-26) 相关搜索


公司官网:ww***com[点击查看] 职能类别:贸易/外贸专员/助理 职能类别:国内贸易人员


1、 制定海外市场渠道拓展计划,并拜访客户、开发新客户、新项目;
、 维护海外渠道销售管理工作,完成渠道拓展任务指标;
4、 负责与NTS总部进行对接,按公司的方向和政策开展工作;






公司名称:广州南天资源采购有限公司 公司类型:民营公司 公司规模:150-500人 公司介绍:广州南天资源采购有限公司 Guangzhou Nantian Sourcing Co . Ltd 广州南天资源采购有限公司(简称NTS)是广州南天国际酒店用品批发市场(简称NTI)下属企业,也是南天市场升级改造计划中软件升级的重点计划之一。NTS自成立以来对内以“南天市场—广州—中国”的步伐整合中国供应商资源,对外联合海外渠道商在当地合资建立实体展销中心和电子商务平台,通过为中小企业提供系统的一体化供应链服务,从而打造了国内中小型企业“抱团走出去”的创新模式。 NTS在广州建有8000平米的展销中心,拥有员工70人。经过三年多的努力,目前NTS已整合了全国300多家优质酒店用品供应商,为超过3万品类的中国产品实现与海外采购商的直接对接。 NTS在海外积极联合当地渠道商建设实体展销中心。目前,NTS在缅甸、泰国、坦桑尼亚均与当地实力渠道商建立起NTS酒店、居家用品合资项目。其中,NTS缅甸展销中心项目位于仰光商业中心,占地1200平米,于2013年12月正式营业,;NTS泰国展销中心项目于2014年8月12日与当地合作商75公司在曼谷完成合资签约仪式,展销中心位于曼谷商业中心,占地面积1920平米,计划于2014年12月期间开业;NTS坦桑尼亚展销中心项目于2014年8月8日与当地合作商Chef公司在达累斯萨拉姆完成合资签约仪式,展销中心位于达累斯萨拉姆 商业中心,占地面积3000平米,计划于2015年3月期间开业。除此之外,NTS与菲律宾、新加坡、马来西亚、印尼、印度、越南、斯里兰卡等国家的实力酒店用品渠道商均建立了良好的合作关系,并取得这些国家海外展销中心项目的突破性进展。 电子商务方面,NTS官方网站建立了行业庞大的外贸数据库、成为拥有九个国家语言、数据与NTS ERP系统同步的全程电子商务平台。 NTS凭借全新的“走出去”模式,以“抱团、渠道增值、多赢”为特点,通过搭建中国与世界之间的“一站式大批发”的商贸流通服务平台,期待为中国商品打造全新的国际形象做出应有的贡献。 Since 1998,the holding company of NTS, Guangzhou Nantian International Hotel Facilities Wholesale Center, NTI for short, has been dedicated to hotel supply industry. After 15-year development, NTI has become a world-renown hotel supply purchasing center and attracted buyers from all over the world to procure here. Supported by resource superiority of NTI, NTS provides one-stop hospitality products and services for local customers by establishing showrooms and websites, so as to satisfy the increasing demand for product diversification of global buyers and create a more convenient, more economical and more professional purchasing environment for customers. With rich experience of hospitality products in this industry, NTS know what our customers need more clearly. NTS owns one-stop products of more than 30,000 categories to be selected. At present, NTS has have more than 500 excellent suppliers from all over the world, such as Libbey、Justa、Sunnex, and products of more than 30,000 categories to offer various products including tableware & restaurants supplies, kitchen equipment & utensils, lobby supplies, cleaning equipment & supplies, guestroom equipment & supplies, linen, uniforms, furniture, engineering equipments, etc. NTS promises to provide products of much more cost performance to our customers. All NTS products are supplied directly by excellent manufacturers around the world. By shortening supply chain, NTS can save more time operating costs and the saved cost will be paid back to our customers. Therefore, NTS can keep the promise to provide products of higher cost performance. NTS has more professional market service abilities. By setting up showroom and website in different countries, NTS can provide more systematic, more professional and faster sales services to each customer from each country. Recently, NTS has established showroom and service centers in China, Myanmar, Thailand and Tanzania to help more than 2000 customers from hotels, restaurants, enterprises, schools, hospitals and so on to solve different difficulties during procurement. NTS plans to build more Showroom and try to develop more distributors in different countries. We expect that NTS products and services can create more values for our customers. Please find more information in NTS official website: ww***com[点击查看] NTS CHINA ADD:No.28 Daganwei Road,South of Gongye Dadao, Haizhu Dist., GZ,Guangdong,China. E-Mail:nts@ NTS MYANMAR ADD:No.332,Pyay Road, San Chaung P.O(11111), Yangon, Myanmar. E-Mail:ntsmm@ NTS THAILAND ADD:161/735-740 Soi Charansanitwong 27 Lane 22 Charansanitwong Rd., Bangkhunsri, Bangkoknoi, Bangkok 10700 E-Mail:ntsth@ NTS TANZANIA ADD:Plot No.65-66 Block'D',Msasani Village,Kinondoni District,Dar es salaam E-Mail:ntstz@ NTS创新的平台商业模式,三位一体的全球批发网络平台,现欢迎才学之士加入我们的团队,我们将为您提供: ·完善的福利制度:按国家规定为全体员工购买养老保险、失业保险、生育保险、工伤保险和住房公积金,公司还将按政府有关最新规定参加必要保险,并提供带薪年假及法定假期; ·富有竞争力的薪酬水平; ·极具成长的培训发展空间(根据业务需要,不定期组织纯外教英语培训、网球培训、商务礼仪、职业生涯规划等课程培训); ·合理的工作时间:5天8小时工作制; ·独特的企业文化:公司秉承关爱员工,公平,开放的文化,在这里你可以感受到真诚的沟通氛围,在学习和适应压力和挑战的同时享受充满乐趣的工作体验; ·优雅的工作环境(独立办公区域,充足的停车位)。 [面试地址] 广州市海珠区工业大道南大干围28号 乘车路线:地铁二号线 东晓南搭乘766到大干围中