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公司官网:ww***com[点击查看] 福利:带薪年假 五险一金 绩效奖金 职能类别:贸易/外贸专员/助理

1、 负责跟踪客户订单状况,做好报价及销售数据处理;

2、 及时查阅回复国外客户的电子邮件;

3、 配合销售询价及客户订单;

4、 完成上级领导交代的其他任务。


1、 大专及以上学历,英语四级及以上,英语听说读写熟练;

2、 有责任心,性格开朗,较强的沟通能力;

3、 妥善保管客户的资料和报价单,有条理的归档;

4、 遵守公司各项规章制度,服从领导安排,能做好本职工作。


公司名称:上海徽致国际贸易有限公司 公司类型:合资 公司规模:少于50人 公司介绍:Everise shipping service Co.,Ltd, located in Shanghai with convenient traffic, is a company providing with all sorts of service for international and domestic vessels. The principles "Quality First, Reputation First" make the company gain excellent achievement, and receive many nicer remarks from international clients. Strict management system and good work environment and treatment let employees filled with power and passion; higher aim lets the company develops and makes progress constantly. With the object that Shanghai will be the international shipping centre, we company will hold this advantaged opportunity, center the client services, use the standard of ISO9001 and ISO14000, develops unceasingly. Using the scientific management method including TQC and MIS to improve our quality and efficient of services so that we can be true of international by request. The range of services includes vessel's machines' fittings providing, maintenance, general stores, and provisions, if you want to be acquainted with these services aforementioned, you could contact us. If you have any inquiries, please contact us without hesitation. We do what we promise. we are the one of most experienced and reliable supplier in china, our service net is covering whole of Chinese port. 上海船盛船舶技术有限公司2003年7月成立于上海,致力于为国际和国内航运船舶提供一站式服务,提供船舶物料、食品、免税品、船舶配件的供应和技术服务。公司已成为德国、英国、希腊、印度和新加坡客户的首选船舶供应商,并在新加坡设立了分公司,以便更好地服务于东南亚客户。公司已立足东南亚,面向全世界。 公司通过了ISO9001质量体系和ISO14000环境体系。“质量第一”,“信誉第一”的原则使公司取得优秀的成绩,并获得许多国际客户的一致好评。严格的管理体系、良好的工作环境和优厚的待遇让员工充满力量和激情,更高的目标让公司不断发展并不断取得进步。 企业的专业服务源于每位员工优秀的专业素质,诚挚地欢迎有志于从事航运服务的人才加入我们的团队。