

(全职,发布于2018-06-15) 相关搜索


公司官网:ww***com[点击查看] 福利:周末双休 专业培训 职能类别:物流专员/助理 职能类别:货运代理


1. 协调货物进出运输的安排操作;

2. 监控发放货物的进度,及时反馈、解决跟踪落实过程中存在的各类问题;

3. 负责与外部运输单位的联络事宜,维护与客户的良好沟通关系;

4. 处理船运文件等单证材料;

5. 遵循公司的各项规章和工作守则,支援组内其他同事工作。


1. 大专及以上学历,即将在2018年毕业,物流管理、交通运输、国际贸易相关专业优先;

2. 能熟练使用电脑、办公软件;

3. 工作积极,有良好的沟通能力、组织协调能力;

4. 一般的英语读写能力。




公司名称:德迅(中国)货运代理有限公司广州分公司 公司类型:外资(欧美) 公司规模:150-500人 公司介绍:With over 76,000 employees at around 1,300 locations in over 100 countries, the Kuehne + Nagel Group is one of the world's leading logistics companies. Its strong market position lies in the seafreight, airfreight, contract logistics and overland businesses, with a clear focus on providing IT-based integrated logistics solutions. Further information can be found at ww***om.[点击查看] As early as 1979, Kuehne + Nagel opened its first office in China. Today, the company is one of the leading logistics providers in China. As our Guangzhou branch's fast developing business constantly creates new exciting job opportunities for highly committed and career-oriented talents. We offer various positions in freight forwarding, warehousing/transportation, sales, marketing and administration. If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding career, and want to grow with us, please do not hesitate to apply and send us your detailed C.V.. Please let us know your area of expertise and experience in our line of business! Interested parties, please send applications with detailed CV to: guangzhou.jobs@. "Personal data provided by job applications will be used for recruitment purpose only" 德迅集团是全球首屈一指的物流服务公司,业务遍及100多个国家1,300个地点,共聘用超过76,000名员工。50年来,德迅在亚太区一直致力于为客户提供供应链解决方案。自1979年在中国开设第一个分站,我们以专业的物流知识为客户提供量身定制的解决方案。目前,德迅分站遍布北亚区40个城市–我们的宗旨是竭诚为客户提供专业的物流服务。 德迅将人才作为公司最宝贵的资源,为员工提供了完善的培训体系和广阔的个人发展空间。由于公司业务的发展,德迅诚邀各界精英加盟! 有意者请将个人中英文简历投递至:guangzhou.jobs@kuehne-nagel.com。 更多资讯,请浏览公司主页:ww***com[点击查看]