

(兼职,发布于2018-07-13) 相关搜索
  • 工作地点:北京
  • 职位:
  • 信息来源:北京大学


BP 2018宏观经济与能源战略研究实习生

BP是世界领先的一体化石油和天然气公司之一,总部位于伦敦,在全球超过70个国家从事生产和经营活动,主要业务领域包括:油气探勘与生产;油品炼制与销售;石化产品生产与销售;和润滑油业务。BP在全球拥有约80,000名员工,公司的股票在伦敦和纽约证交所挂牌交易。 BP自上个世纪七十年代初开始在中国开展业务,是国内油气行业领先的外商投资企业之一。BP在华的主要商业活动包括:油气勘探与开发、石化产品生产与销售、航空燃油供应、成品油零售、润滑油业务、油气供应与贸易、液化天然气接收站和输气干线以及化工技术许可。

Key accountabilities:

?Participate in the production of the BP Energy Outlook, with particular responsibility for assuring the quality of data on China energy data and global coal data
?Help to deliver the Team's China macroeconomics research
?Provide support to China business by providing economic insight, business planning assumptions, macroeconomic and risk assessment for business operations in China


?Knowledge on macroeconomics or China energy
?Strong interests in China macro economy and/or the energy sector

Core Competencies:

?be able to work within a widely dispersed global team, with the communication skills, confidence and self-organizing capability to be an effective contributor while operating at a large distance from the rest of the team
?be comfortable working with large datasets in excel
?be fluent in English, with excellent written and oral communication skills (especially in English)
?be able to apply rigorous attention to detail, but also to stand back and see the big picture


?Masters or senior year students in their doctoral program
?Can work at least 4 full business days per week for at least 4 months (6 months is preferred)

Please send your resume to julia.zhang@
