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公司名称:苏州艾斯特环境科技有限公司 公司类型:民营公司 公司规模:50-150人 公司介绍: – 空气洁净行业领导者 艾斯特是专业从事工业和民用空气过滤器研发和制造的创新型企业;位于中国最成功的经济开发区之一—苏州工业园区,距离上海50KM。 艾斯特研发团队拥有近20年空气洁净经验;并长期与行业协会、大学科研机构、全球排名前列的纤维和化学介质制造商以及第三方实验室合作,一直专注于空气过滤材料、精益制造工艺和高效率洁净系统研究。艾斯特自主配备标准过滤器测试风道、空气净化器标准测试仓、烟雾检漏系统和总效率扫描系统;能够为工业暖通空调和洁净室,以及民用新风和空气净化系统快速量身定制洁净空气解决方案,同时提供全过程产品和验证服务。 艾斯特定制产品品类齐全,包括:净化和新风系统滤芯,一般通风和洁净室过滤器,喷涂和医药灭菌隧道高温过滤器,汽车空调系统滤清器等。 艾斯特秉持“创造洁净,造福人类”的使命,坚守质量承诺,向着“全球定制洁净系统领导者”的目标努力奋斗。 Located in Suzhou Singapore Industrial Park 50 KM west of Shanghai China, AST becomes an innovative one-source supplier in air filtration with her air filters & filtration system sold in more than 20 countries worldwide. AST’s main product portfolio includes custom-made cartridges for fresh-air system and air-purifier; HVAC filters & HEPA/ULPA filters for AHU & clean-room; oven filters for painting-shop or medical sterilization tunnel; cabin filters for car’s air-conditioner etc. With in-house test facilities and experienced R&D team, AST has built strong reputation and can provide the widest and most reliable range of products & services with very attractive prices on the global market. AST always takes customers’ request as 1st priority. Every AST staff is ready to make utmost efforts to improve customers’ satisfaction level. AST keeps pace with the development of global filtration industry, by establishing long-term partnership with industry committee,university research centers, 3rd-party test institutes as well as fiber & absorptive chemical leading-manufacturers.. AST prepares to meet the ever more complex air filtration demands, and help our customers to remain at the forefront of their industries by utilizing most cutting-edge & economical technologies. Under persistence to corporation culture as ‘insistent, creative’, AST strikes to realize her vision ‘a global leader in custom-made filtration system’ with her mission –‘ to create clean air and benefit human resources’.