

(兼职,发布于2018-10-30) 相关搜索
  • 工作地点:其它
  • 职位:实习生,无锡荟聚中心
  • 信息来源:前程无忧(51JOB)












公司名称:宜家购物中心(中国)管理有限公司 公司类型:外资(欧美) 公司规模:150-500人 公司介绍:IKEA Centres IKEA Centres is IKEA Group’s global shopping centre company. We develop and manage retail destinations for the many people, anchored by IKEA stores. We offer great opportunities to develop meeting places of the future, strengthen relations with tenants and spread retail ideas across borders. Present in China, Europe – including Nordic countries – and Russia, IKEA Centres owns and operates 58 shopping centres and four retail parks in 14 countries, totalling more than 3.2 million square metres of GLA and approximately 400 million visitors annually. Our shopping centres will continue to operate under the different brands, such as MEGA in Russia, LIVAT in China or the existing brands in Europe. 宜家购物中心集团       宜家购物中心集团是宜家集团的全球性购物中心公司。我们开发和管理以宜家家居为主力商户的零售终点站,旨在为大众创造更美好的生活。       我们为今后开发更多聚会场所,加强与租户间的关系并传播跨国界的零售理念提供良好的机遇。       在中国、欧洲 (包括北欧)及俄罗斯,宜家购物中心集团在14个国家拥有和运营58家购物中心以及4个零售街区,总租赁面积超过320万平方米,每年吸引约4亿访客。       我们的购物中心将继续沿用原有的不同品牌进行运营,如在俄罗斯的MEGA、在中国的荟聚(LIVAT)或在欧洲现有的不同品牌。 关于宜家购物中心中国        宜家购物中心集团于2009年正式进入中国市场,中国总部设在上海。我们与宜家家居一起开发和管理购物中心,提供具备商业魅力、适合家庭氛围以及容易到达的一站式具有国际标准的超区域型购物中心以满足大多数人的需求。        目前,宜家购物中心集团的中国管理团队正在全力以赴地进行无锡项目(已于2014年6月开业)、北京项目(已于2014年12月开业)、武汉项目(预计于2015年4月开业)的开发和建设,三个项目目前投资总额超过100亿人民币,将带来总计533,000平方米的总租赁面积。        更多详情,请登录:ww***.cn[点击查看] IKEA Centres China IKEA Centres China was established in 2009, and our regional headquarter is located in Shanghai. IKEA Centres partners with IKEA to develop and operate shopping centres. Our shopping centres provide commercially successful ventures for our retail partners, as well as family-friendly, easily accessible one-stop super regional shopping environment with international standard for the many people. IKEA Centrs China currently has projects under development in Wuxi (opened in Jun, 2014), Beijing (opened in Dec, 2014), and Wuhan (to be opened in Apr 2015), the current investment of our 3 projects is over RMB 10 billion, with 533,000m2 GLA. For more information, please visit: ww***.cn[点击查看] 无锡荟聚∙云林购物中心        无锡荟聚∙云林购物中心包含来自国际和国内时尚服饰、餐饮和休闲咖啡、娱乐、电器商场、大型超级市场、影院以及各类休闲与运动服务。大型购物中心将采取依托宜家的独特商业运作模式。购物中心建筑内拥有约 335 家商铺,营业面积 151,000平方米,3 层楼面。周边交通极为便利:城市轻轨站直接与购物中心连接,同时区域内设有多条线路公交站点和 4,500 个泊车位。独具魅力、能够营造出令人愉快气氛的无锡荟聚∙云林购物中心,是人们理想的汇聚场所,非常适于与家人或朋友一起欢聚好时光,尽享消费购物的乐趣。 Wuxi LIVAT YUNLIN Shopping Centre Wuxi YUNLIN LIVAT Shopping Centre includes IKEA as unique anchor, hypermarket, international and domestic fashion retailers, substantial restaurants & cafes, electronics, sports, cinema and other entertainment venues. The shopping centre includes approximately 335 stores, distributed in 151,000 m² GLA on 3 levels. Great convenience is provided by a light railway station directly connected to the shopping centre, multiple bus stops and more than 4,500 parking spaces. The friendly and fascinating atmosphere of the Wuxi LIVAT YUNLIN Shopping Centre will create an ideal meeting place, a perfect destination for a complete fun day of shopping and leisure time with family and friends. 北京荟聚∙西红门购物中心       北京荟聚∙西红门购物中心位于大兴区西红门商业综合区,与城市轻轨站口和多个公交首末站相连,总占地面积约172,000平方米,目标是建设成具有国际化标准的一站式超区域型购物中心。该项目商业面积约210,000平方米,其中宜家家居约有48,000平方米,另将拥有400家国际国内品牌商户并配备近6,500个停车位。该项目的商业理念为集宜家家居零售商场、国际及国内时尚服饰、丰富的餐饮和休闲咖啡、娱乐、电器商场、大型超级市场及其他服务业为一体的区域性、标志性大型购物中心,将成为北京大众购物娱乐的首选地。 Beijing LIVAT XIHONGMEN Shopping Centre Beijing LIVAT XIHONGMEN Shopping Centre is located in Xihongmen Commercial Complex, Daxing district, covering an area of 172,000 m², aiming to establish a one-stop super regional shopping centre with international standard. The project includes IKEA as unique anchor, hypermarket, international and domestic fashion retailers, substantial restaurants & cafes, electronics, sports, cinema and other entertainment venues, with 400 carefully selected international and national brands and more than 6,500 parking spaces. The whole project covers 210,000 m2 GLA, with IKEA taking 48,000 m². It will become the top one shopping destination in Beijing in the near future. 武汉荟聚中心       武汉荟聚中心位于武汉市硚口区额头湾,距离市中心仅12公里,总占地面积达到30 万平方米,辐射约860 万当地居民,全力打造具有国际标准的一站式超区域型购物中心;周围交通方便,与轻轨直接相连,并将为顾客提供超过4,700 个停车位。该购物中心为三层封闭式一体化建筑,商业面积约172,000平方米,拥有宜家家居作为其重要的主力商户,并涵盖约400 多个国内外知名品牌,集超市、时尚、家电、运动、餐饮、娱乐影院及家居等全方位消费功能为一体。 LIVAT Centre Wuhan LIVAT Centre Wuhan, covering a total area of 300,000 m², is located at Etouwan, Qiaokou District. It is just 12 km from Wuhan city centre, with 8.6 million local residents in the area and aimed to be a one-stop super regional shopping centre with international standard. Great convenience will be provided by a light railway station directly connected to the shopping centre and there will be more than 4,700 parking spaces. Constructed as an enclosed three-storey integrated building, the centre will feature approximately 400 international and national brands, distributed in 172,000 m² GLA on 3 levels. The project includes IKEA as unique anchor, hypermarket, international and domestic fashion retailers, substantial restaurants & cafes, electronics, sports, cinema and other entertainment venues.