

(兼职,发布于2018-09-06) 相关搜索





    BASIS教育集团起源于美国的亚利桑那州,是美国本土最成功的教育集团之一,由著名经济学者Dr. Michael BlockOlga Block女士于1998年创立。目前旗下拥有35所学校,包括分布于华盛顿特区(白宫附近)、纽约、硅谷、弗吉尼亚、亚利桑那、得克萨斯等地的特许学校、私立学校以及位于中国的国际学校,全球BASIS学校的在读学生总人数已超过两万名。201858日,《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S. News)发布了2018年度全美最佳高中排名,BASIS在保持领跑地位的基础上,凭借其卓越的学术表现,在评选中越战越勇,BASIS集团的六所学校顺利进入十强,其中五所更是包揽了整个榜单的前五名。分别为:第一名BASIS斯科茨代尔;第二名BASIS钱德勒;第三名BASIS奥罗谷;第四名BASIS图森北;第五名BASIS旗杆。在BASIS学校里,学生在进入高中前就有机会开始修读AP课程。美国学生AP平均分为2.85分,通过率为57.5%,而2017年,BASIS学生AP平均分为3.8分,通过率为86.3%SAT平均分更是比全美平均分高出300分以上(总分为1600分)。

    作为BASIS教育集团在中国大陆永久独家合作伙伴,爱圣集团于2015年在深圳开办了深圳贝赛思外籍人员子女学校,这是BASIS第一所海外分校。凭借先进的国际教育理念、独具特色的教学模式以及扎实的团队管理,深圳贝赛思外籍人员子女学校迅速发展壮大,在2017年的招生工作中,189个学位,收到了2860份申请,在创立的第三年初即达到满员。20179月,广州贝赛思外籍人员子女学校正式开学。 2018年秋季,华润小径湾贝赛思外籍人员子女学校,杭州钱江贝赛思外籍人员子女学校也已开学。同时,爱圣集团已在规划未来在国内各大城市逐步布局,发展分校。





Introduction to Ascend International Education Group

Ascend International Education Group has been committed to promoting premier international education in China since its establishment in Hong Kong. It introduces international prestigious schools that provide students with comprehensive education. The Group has an experienced and passionate team for education service. Our educational vision is, to help children become the elite of society with best education.


 BASIS Curriculum Schools network was co-founded by renowned economists Dr. Michael Block and Olga Block in 1998 in Arizona. It's now comprised of 37 schools, including charter and independent schools located in Washington DC (near the White House), New York, Silicon Valley, Virginia, Arizona and Texas, as well as international schools in China, collectively educating more than 24,000 students. According to the 2017 U.S. News & World Report's Best High School Rankings, our network has six schools ranked in the top ten, with BASIS Scottsdale ranked No. 1, BASIS Chandler No. 2, BASIS Oro Valley No. 3, BASIS Tucson North No. 4, BASIS Flagstaff No.5, BASIS Peoria No.8. At BASIS Curriculum Schools, students have the opportunity to begin AP-level coursework before they even enter high school. While U.S. students receive an average score of 2.85 on AP Exams, with a pass rate of 57.5%, students from BASIS Curriculum Schools score 3.8 on average, with a pass rate of 86.3%. Additionally, the SAT average score of BASIS Curriculum students is even 335 higher than that of the U.S. average.  


As the permanent exclusive partner of BASIS Curriculum Schools in Chinese Mainland, Ascend International Education Group opened BASIS International School Shenzhen(BISZ) in 2015, the first overseas campus of BASIS Curriculum Schools. With advanced international education philosophy, a unique mode of instruction and effecient team management, BISZ achieved a rapid development. In 2017, BISZ received 2860 applications competing for 189 positions offered, achieving a full admission at the third year of its establishment. In September 2017, BASIS International School Guangzhou(BIGZ) was officially opened. In 2018, BASIS International School Park Lane Harbour(BIPH) and BASIS International School Hangzhou(BIHZ) have also be opened.


We believe that “learning is something exciting, rewarding, and worth doing." Therefore, we welcome more "knowledgeable educators and administrators who are passionate for educational work" to join our education team, and we will provide with competitive salaries and social benefits.


Let's grow together with a common goal of education!








•  国家承认学历的优秀高等院校全日制硕士、博士毕业生、留学归 


•  优秀的英语听说读写能力,良好的语言表达能力;

•  优秀的、持续的学习能力;

•  优秀的沟通、协调能力及团队意识,优秀的适应及抗压能力;

•  具有敏锐的洞察力、清晰的逻辑思路、独特的视角;

•  在校期间有跨国公司实习、海外交流项目、学生会或社团等经历




•  税前年薪23万起(含五险一金),并根据毕业学校、个人学历、海外留学经历、行业工作经历、个人特长等实际条件给予不同程度的上浮;

•  节日福利,工作日早午餐,协助落户等。



联系人:徐老师 86-755-21615377   莫老师 86-755-21651240




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