

(全职,发布于2018-09-14) 相关搜索
  • 工作地点:上海
  • 职位:Operation Specialist(上海)
  • 信息来源:前程无忧(51JOB)



Job Responsibility:
Entry position in Lubes Operation as interim for training and on boarding. After initial on boarding program, successful candidates will be assigned to a formal job in Operations (Manufacturing, Supply Chain and Logistic). Primary working location will be based in Shanghai/Taicang/Tianjin, while mobility of working location among Taicang, Shanghai and Tianjin is expected for future career development.


For Supply & Distribution roles:

Possible activities are:

-      Coordination with sales team and supplier on Demand Forecast planning

-      Raw Material Supply and Production Planning

-      Import Planning & Deployment Planning

-      Supply Chain analysis, reporting / Supply Network Optimization

-      Product sourcing and inventory management

-      Logistics coordination for 3rd party LSP management including inventory and transportation


For Manufacturing roles:

Possible activities are:

-      Operations business/ budget planning and analysis

-      Engineer of plant operation and warehouse activities

-      Engineer of plant maintenance, engineering and project execution etc.

-      Plant process control system configuration, application and optimization

-      Lab analysis/ Quality management system implementation

-      Safety /Occupational health/Environment management system implementation



-      Bachelor or Master degree holders

-      Fluent in both written and oral English

-      Able to work independently and as a team player

-      Self-motivated, strong initiative and a desire to succeed

-      Major in Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical & Instrument, Chemical etc), Chemistry, IT or Logistic/Supply Chain preferred

Mobility of location and working shift arrangement


公司名称:埃克森美孚(中国)投资有限公司 公司类型:外资(欧美) 公司介绍:埃克森美孚公司(Exxon Mobil Corporation),是世界最大的非政府石油天然气生产商,总部设在美国德克萨斯州爱文市。在全球拥有生产设施和销售产品,在六大洲从事石油天然气勘探业务;在能源和石化领域的诸多方面位居行业领先地位。埃克森美孚见证了世界石油天然气行业的发展,其历史可以追溯到约翰·洛克菲勒于1882年创建的标准石油公司,至今已经跨越了125年的历程。埃克森美孚通过其关联公司在全球拥有8万多名员工,其严谨的投资方针以及致力于开发和运用行业领先技术及追求完善的运营管理,使之在全球位居行业领先地位。 公司连续85年以上获得3A信用等级,是世界上保持这一记录为数不多的公司之一。在《财富》杂志年度美国最大上市公司排名名单中,暴涨的能源价格把埃克森-美孚推到了2006财富500强的首位。 此外,它是全球第一家市值超过4000亿美元的公司。2016年7月20日,《财富》世界500强排行榜,埃克森美孚公司名列第六名;2017年6月7日,2017年《财富》美国500强排行榜发布,埃克森美孚公司排名第4位;2017年6月6日,《2017年BrandZ最具价值全球品牌100强》公布,埃克森美孚名列第55位;2018年4月22日,2017年全球最赚钱企业排行榜发布,埃克森美孚排名第17;2018年5月21日,2018年《财富》美国500强排行榜发布,埃克森美孚位列第二。 2018年7月,《财富》世界500强排行榜发布,埃克森美孚公司在"2018年《财富》世界500强"中排行第9位。