

(全职,发布于2018-09-15) 相关搜索



Job Description:That’s a cool job! I want it!

We are looking for highly motivated fresh graduates to join Splunk Shanghai R&D Center as Software Engineer. You will get invaluable work experience at a leader in “Big Data”, the hottest software market at the moment.

Responsibilities: I want to and can do that!

-Design and implement modules and solutions for continuous integration and continuous delivery across building, deployment, testing, reporting.
-Design and implement modules and solutions to create, collect, clean and transforming vast amount of useful data in high performance and scalable way to forge Splunk CI/CD Data Lake.
-Design and implement modules and solutions for big data analytics and visualization of Splunk CI/CD Data Lake by employing cutting-edge technologies include ML on top of Splunk platform to enable big data driven engineering excellence in Splunk.
-Adhere to coding and testing standards to assure the code quality.
-Design, implementing, and executing automated test scripts to ensure the high-quality delivery.
-Analyze and resolve CI/CD module and tooling issues in production.
-Propose and prototype new solutions and innovations.

Requirements:I’ve already done that or have that!

-Solid foundation in computer science, with strong competences in operating systems, computer networks, data structures, algorithms and software design.
-Excellent coding skills in C/C++, Java, or server side Python.
-Excellent problem solving, collaboration and communication skills.
-A demonstrated capability for creative thinking, intellectual and entrepreneurial exploration.

Education: Got it!

-BS, MS or PhD in Computer Science or related engineering discipline


公司名称:盛庞卡信息技术(上海)有限公司 公司类型:外资(欧美) 公司介绍:Splunk总部于2004年在美国旧金山成立,2006年第一个产品发布,2012年IPO上市,是大数据业内第一个上市的企业。具有颠覆性的技术和产品,通过对大数据快速精准的分析能力,为客户带来巨大的商业价值,是Splunk成功的关键所在。10年的快速发展,如今已成为大数据领域的领军者。 目前,Splunk全球员工人数达4000+人,Splunk已经连续九年被旧金山《商业时代》杂志命名为旧金山湾区“***工作地点”之一。在全球110多个国家,拥有16000多个用户,在亚太的客户已高达1000多个。 Splunk上海作为第一个海外研发中心,于2013年底落户于上海杨浦区创智天地。我们已吸引了很多卓越的人才,他们来自于业内最知名的公司如:SAP、EMC、Vmware、Google 、盛大、腾讯、阿里巴巴、百度等,并拥有优秀的教育背景,毕业于复旦、交大、同济、华中、北大、清华、浙大、南大、美国加州大学等。在上海研发中心,你能与世界顶尖工程师紧密合作,我们鼓励创新,倡导团队合作,也尊重每个人的个性和专长。我们拥抱新技术,同时以严谨细致的态度做好企业级软件的开发和测试。 我们提供弹性工作时间,遵从扁平化管理的加州式工程师文化。此外,公司提供极具竞争力的薪资、福利和股票计划,积极支持我们的员工参加各类培训,技术会议以及海外出差交流。我们也为员工营造宽松舒适的办公室环境,除了提供各类食品、饮料、咖啡和鲜奶,还有来自世界各地的啤酒、红酒…每一天我们都希望创造一种工程师热爱的轻松、及时沟通环境,享受工作和生活的每时每刻。 你的IT Geek旅程从这里启航,除了Coding,还能尽情享受来自旧金山湾区的文化,和一群国内最N的攻城狮在一起做出***的产品。 This is Splunk!Let’s Splunk!