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玉泉校区永谦活动中心二楼排练厅 2018-10-29  14:00 发布时间:2018-10-11 17:12:34






Opera Solutions (Shanghai) Ltd. 2019 Campus Recruitment

Who We Are

Opera Solutions is a global provider of advanced analytics software solutions that address the persistent problem of scaling Big Data analytics. Signal Hub?, the company’s flagship technology platform, extracts and applies insights from the most complex data environments to address multiple business problems and opportunities, accelerating targeted business actions and radically reducing time-to-value.

Opera Solutions serves some of the world’s most respected businesses in the financial services, healthcare, travel, hospitality, retail, and telecommunications industries, as well as key government entities. The Signal Hub platform touches hundreds of millions of consumers across many leading companies, with a specific focus on dramatically increasing revenue from existing customers while introducing new capabilities that drive competitive advantage.

The key innovation behind Signal Hub is its ability to deliver data science at scale. The end-to-end platform automatically creates Signals, which can be shared, reused, and applied to multiple use cases throughout the enterprise. Machine learning technologies keep the Signals relevant, fresh, and accurate. This approach eliminates redundancies and the need to return to the raw data for each use case, resulting in a significant improvement in productivity. In this way, Signal Hub’s proprietary technology enables enterprises to overcome what has become the primary obstacle to large-scale adoption of advanced analytics: solving the scalability challenge.

奥浦诺(Opera Solutions)是一家全球领先的大数据分析公司,总部位于美国泽西城,自2004年成立以来,公司在过去的十余年里一直保持着高速增长的良好势头。Opera Solutions现拥有500余名专业员工,七个分支机构遍布在全球三大洲 - 美国泽西市、波士顿、圣迭戈,英国伦敦,奥地利克夫拉赫,印度新德里,中国上海。Opera Solutions通过全球化的专业服务团队帮助企业从大数据流中获得巨大收益,业务覆盖全球各领先产业,涉及金融服务,零售,媒体,航空,电信,医疗,结构性投资,私募股权融资以及国有企业。更多信息请访问公司官网:ww***com[点击查看].

2019 Campus Recruitment

Position: Analytics Specialist

This is the entry-level position in Opera Solutions Shanghai. Analytics Specialists are responsible for discrete pieces of analysis that contribute towards solving a client’s business problem. Analytics Specialists break down a problem into hypotheses to be tested, structure the testing approaches, model and interpret the data; While working abroad, assist in developing client recommendations and work collaboratively with client team to implement changes. This position requires analytical ability, a flair for quantitative problem solving and strong interpersonal/communication skills.


We look for people who are/have:

-   Students from top universities, with outstanding academic performance

-   Strong problem-solving ability, logical and structured thinking

-   Solid analytics skills to solve business problems in a quantitative manner

-   Strong analytical aptitudes including broad skills in data manipulation, statistics knowledge background and programming ability

-   Excellent verbal and written English to work effectively in a multicultural & international environment

-   Interested in big data and consulting service industry

v  Quantitative discipline, top rank, prize in mathematics modeling, demonstrated leadership or professional internship/oversea experience will be a plus.

v  Familiarity with statistical/analytical tools such as R, SAS, Python or MATLAB will be a plus.

v   Familiarity with big data analysis/processing platform will be a plus.


The application deadline for 2019 campus recruitment is October 31, 2018. Please submit your application package including your resume (both English and Chinese), and cover letter via the following channels:

· by post通过邮寄

Please mark “2019校园招聘” along with the name of your university, major and your name on the envelope. (e.g.: "2019校园招聘,xx大学,xx专业,姓名");

Company address:

Opera Solutions (Shanghai) Ltd.

18th Floor, Yongda International Tower, 2277 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 201204, China



上海市浦东新区龙阳路2277号(永达国际大厦)18楼, 邮编: 201204

· by email通过邮件

Please include“2019校园招聘” along with the name of your university, major and your name in the email subject line. (e.g.: "2019校园招聘,xx大学,xx专业,姓名")

Email address:


For more information about our company, please visit our website ww***com[点击查看], and follow us for 2019 campus recruitment updates on WeChat “OperaSolutions奥浦诺”.


We help organizations profit from Big Data flow.


Opera Solutions was founded in 2004 with 10 people and a notion that the world's flow of information — just then starting to intensify — was going to be the oil of the 21st century.
Today, Big Data has exploded. And Opera numbers approximately 700, has offices in New York, Jersey City, Boston, San Diego, London, Paris, New Delhi, and Shanghai, and has created one of the world's most advanced, end-to-end platforms for using analytics to turn Big Data flows into profit and advantage.
Along the way, our scientists have come in "first equals" in the global Netflix Prize that measured machine learning capabilities. We've established deep relationships with top-tier organizations around the world. And we've attracted a team of extraordinarily people — scientists, software developers, data management specialists, and business domain experts — from six continents.
We've built one of the world's premier centers of predictive analytics and machine learning science, with over 220 scientists and extensive libraries of proprietary signals and models. We have created Vektor™ — a secure and flexible Big Data analytics platform that extracts powerful signals and insights from massive amounts of data flow, and then streams analytically enriched guidance and recommendations directly to the front lines of business operations. And all without major IT or infrastructure impact for our customers.
Our solutions drive real and measureable improvement, because they focus on the most important business leverage points where machine learning science can make a big difference. We bring these solutions to core industry sectors — financial services, healthcare, and government — plus other selected industries where Big Data analytics are particularly powerful.
We engage with our customers in two ways. With Enterprise Solutions, we work with the Global 250 and large governmental entities to identify where they can extract maximum value from their Big Data reserves. Then we build transformative solutions that do just that.
With Vertical Solutions, we work with the Fortune 1000 and midmarket companies to create and provide hosted delivery of analytics products that solve specific problems faced by industries and functions — in fraud, marketing, portfolio valuation and risk, spend optimization, and many others.
It's a good start. But, much like the flow of Big Data itself, we've only just begun to grow.