

(全职,发布于2019-01-14) 相关搜索


公司官网:ww***com[点击查看] 职能类别:硬件工程师 职能类别:软件工程师

1. Support the Cisco UC&IPT system implementation and new feature development on a global basis with focus for the whole AsiaPac region

2. Support the daily operations in CISCO network and telephony related issues.

3. Support the Security topics on a global basis.

4. Organize training for end users and ensure the user acceptance and satisfaction of the new telephony services, for the whole AsiaPac region.

5. Provide reporting on all above activities, on operation, project and training related tasks

6. Provide necessary assistance to any other regional/global infrastructure and application operations and project implementations.


REQUIRED QUALIFICATION/必备条件(education, language, expertise, functional competencies)

1. University degree of informatics

2. At least 2 years experience in IT infrastructure support

3. Experience working in Cisco environment, familiar with Cisco switching, routing, QoS, preferably experience in Cisco IPT voice management

4. Preferably certification of CCNP or CCVP

5. Good team worker, highly self motivated, and strong self-confidence to work independently

6. Strong customer-oriented attitude and process-oriented thinking, understand well the ITIL methodology.

7. Good command of both written and spoken English.

8. Willing to travel


公司名称:瓦克化学(中国)有限公司 公司类型:外资(欧美) 公司规模:1000-5000人 公司介绍:瓦克是一家总部位于德国慕尼黑市的全球性公司。瓦克集团凭借其种类丰富、技术含量高的专业产品,在众多行业和工业分支中占有领先地位,产品广泛应用于光伏、电子产品、医药及护理品等各类发展迅速的终端消费行业。 2016年,集团的销售额约达54亿欧元(2015年:53亿欧元)。 其中德国占13%,欧洲(不包括德国)约为22%,南北美洲近18%,亚太地区43%,其它国家占4%。截至2016年12月31日,瓦克共有员工约17,200人。 瓦克的经营业务分为以下业务部门:瓦克有机硅(WACKER SILICONES)、瓦克聚合物(WACKERPOLYMERS)、瓦克多晶硅(WACKER POLYSILICON)和瓦克生物科技(WACKER BIOSOLUTIONS)。瓦克创立于1914年,销售产品现达3,200多种,在世界各地拥有3500多家客户。瓦克目前在世界各地设有26个生产基地,并在欧洲、美洲和亚洲31个国家设立了子公司和销售办事处,在中国的发展也尤为稳健。