

(全职,发布于2019-01-19) 相关搜索


公司官网:ww***com[点击查看] 职能类别:文档工程师

-Assist to write / edit instruction and service manuals, proof-reading technical documents

Assist to produce technical illustrations, spare part catalogue and other technical documents


- Assist to plan and manage technical documentation project independently.


- Participating in pre-sales technical support.


-Closely cooperate with our customers.



-Bachelor degree or Master in technical fields of Mechanical engineering, Electrical, English language or related area.


-Know how to use document development tools is preferred. e.g. Frame maker, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Arbortext.

-会使用文档开发工具***,例如:Frame maker, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Arbortext.

-Know 3D mechanical design software, e.g. Solidworks, ProE is preferred.

-有3D机械设计软件使用经验***,例如Solidworks, ProE.

-Excellent English and Chinese skills both in writing and speaking.


- Excellent communication skills


-Able to take certain business trips.


注明:1. 可以留用;2. 实习工资:120元/天
Specify: 1. Can be kept on; 2 Internship salary: 120 yuan/day;


公司名称:埃特博朗咨询(上海)有限公司 公司类型:外资(欧美) 公司规模:150-500人 公司介绍:埃特博朗集团1983年成立,总部位于芬兰首都赫尔辛基,是芬兰的工业技术设计公司,已在赫尔辛基的纳斯达克交易所上市。全球近3000名员工,近70个办公室。2004年入驻中国,目前有上海,昆山,苏州,北京,西安五个办公室。中国的员工达到300名,我们是中国工业设计服务行业的领军者之一。2017年,埃特博朗集团的营业额达到了2.148亿欧元。 埃特博朗的服务覆盖产品整个生命周期,客户遍布各领域,如:汽车行业、航空和国防产业、发电和电力传输行业、重工设备、制药医疗、物流管理等,并与许多行业内的世界领先企业保持长期稳定合作关系。 公司官网:ww***com[点击查看] 公司重视员工和企业的共同发展,为每一个积极进取,有创造力的员工提供具有竞争力的薪酬、晋升机制和广阔的发展空间。公司主要福利如下: 医疗 (Medical insurance) 员工享有补充商业医疗保险,员工及其一位子女可用 Staffs enjoy supplementary commercial medical insurance, staff and his or her one child are available 国外培训机会 (Global training opportunity) 公司不定期会根据项目需要安排员工出国培训 According to the project need, Company will provide global training opportunities to staffs 节日福利与年休假 (Holiday welfare & Annual leave) 员工可享受带薪年假,带薪病假以及其他员工手册包含的带薪假期;每年的端午节、中秋节公司为员工发放过节礼品,三八妇女节女员工放假半天 Staffs have paid annual leave, paid sick leave and other paid holidays that employee handbook contains; Company gives staff holiday gifts during the Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn festival, Women off half a day in International Working Women's Day 补贴与项目奖金 (Allowance & Project bonus) 员工享受年底双薪,每个工作日享有午餐补贴,每个月享有交通补贴,根据有效项目小时数享有月度奖金 Staffs enjoy year-end double pay, lunch subsidy each weekday and traffic subsidy every month and monthly bonus according to effective project hourage. 落户 (Settled) 公司可以为满足上海市落户条件的员工办理相关落户手续 Company settles for those staffs who have conditions to settle 员工活动 (Employee activities) 公司不定期会组织员工活动 Company organize employees activities timelessly 官方微信公众平台:埃特博朗Etteplan