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公司名称:哈柏司工业传动设备(上海)有限公司 公司类型:外资(欧美) 公司规模:50-150人 公司介绍:瑞士哈伯西集团公司(Habasit AG)成立于1946年,总部设在瑞士的巴塞尔,是首屈一指的传动带及输送带制造商,全球知名的传动输送带品牌!Habasit 在50年代已经于瑞士设立宽幅输送带生产线并投入生产,经过多年来不断扩张和整合,目前已于瑞士、意大利、英国、美国等地区设有生产基地,专业生产高质量的传输带产品,为全球各类工业的客户提供传输解决方案,全面的产品系列包括传动带、输送皮带、加工皮带、机械带、模组式网带、同步带及圆带等,其高质量产品广泛应用于纺织业、木材业、印刷业、邮政、食品业、包装行业、饮料行业、汽车及轮胎业、快递货运行业、机场物流业、商业机械等各种范畴。除了高质量的产品,Habasit凭着60多年的专业知识,致力协助客户解决输送及传动方面的问题,提供咨询和建议,跟客户一同研发和探讨新的发展方向。 Habasit拥有强大的销售及支持网络,随时响应客户的需求,并于亚洲、欧洲及美洲都设有物流中心,缩短交货周期。Habasit全球服务网络为设备制造商提供全球性支持,令客户获益。 哈柏司工业传动设备(上海)有限公司是瑞士哈伯西集团公司在中国大陆唯一分公司,成立于2004年12月,公司现址位于上海市松江区,并于北京,广州,昆明等地点设有办事处。主要负责 Habasit(哈伯斯特)产品在大陆市场之推广、销售、加工及服务,为客户提供输送,传动应用方面的解决方案。 今时今日Habasit在全球聘用超过 3600 名员工,而我们的目标是吸引更多热情的人才加入支持我们的多样化团队。如果你希望加入一间会鼓励和支持你个人及专业成长的公司,每天面对不同挑战,请加入我们!哈柏司工业传动设备(上海)有限公司现正在真诚期待能够担当工作、富于挑战、激情奋发的有志人士加入我公司。 关于瑞士哈伯西集团公司(Habasit AG)及哈柏司工业传动设备(上海)有限公司的相关信息,欢迎随时浏览本公司网站:ww***.cn[点击查看] 注:为保证您简历投递的有效性,请您务必注意所述要求: 1、请您提供中英文简历各一份,注明您的薪资要求及岗位。 2、简历可以通过电子邮件的方式送达我们公司。谢绝电话。 Habasit is a Swiss-based Group, was found on March1, 1946, is the leading company worldwide for conveyor belts, processing belts and power transmission belts for the industries like textile, wood, paper, postal, food, materials handling, airport, tire, automotive and fitness, etc. The extensive product range includes fabric-based conveyor belts, plastic modular belts and chains, power transmission belts, timing belts and seamless belts. At Habasit we have developed products and services to meet our customers’ most demanding requirements in terms of quality and value. Our worldwide organization and proven service capabilities make Habasit the ideal partner for customers' project. Habasit understands that our success depends on customer’s success. We have set up more than 250 representatives and service centers in over 70 countries. Our extensive organization is prepared to support customers anywhere in the world. Habasit (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., is the affiliated company of Habasit AG based in Switzerland and responsible to the Sales of Habasit transmission and conveyor belts in order to provide solutions to customers. Today, Habasit employs more than 3600 people all over the world and it is our aim to attract enthusiastic talents to support our various teams. If you would like to work for a company that encourages personal and professional growth and offers you a daily challenge, come and join us! We will offer competitive benefit package and exciting career growth to the right candidates. Interested candidates please send your full resume both in English and Chinese to us. Please clearly indicate the position you are applying for.