

(兼职,发布于2019-03-22) 相关搜索


  • 发布时间: 2019-03-22
公司简介 总裁兼首席执行官:Fran?ois Locoh-Donou 总部:华盛顿州西雅图市 成立时间:1996 年 IPO:1999 年 6 月 上市代码:FFIV(NASDAQ) 员工人数:超过 4,300 业务分布:全球设立69 个办事处,遍布 36 个国家和地区 F5 的使命源于企业依赖应用的基础之上。无论是帮助企业连接客户的应用,还是帮助员工 开展工作的应用,我们始终确保应用随时随地安全可用。F5 帮助全球最大的企业、服务提 供商、金融和教育机构、政府机构和零售品牌在安全性、云和移动性趋势方面保持领先。 保护您的应用 应用是获取数据的门户,绝大多数漏洞都发生在应用层面。要想保护您的数据和业务,就要以应用 安全为先,通过完整的解决方案保护关键业务排除风险。 不受场景限制 无论您是将应用部署在本地、私有云还是公有云上,亦或是多云环境中,我们的企业级应用服务将 始终为您保驾护航。这些性能和安全服务包括负载均衡、DNS 服务、web 应用防火墙(WAF)、身 份验证和访问管理、以及缓解 DDoS 攻击等。 模式灵活多样 为了跟上创新的步伐,许多客户都需要更加灵活的预算。F5 不仅能够以软硬件的形式提供企业级应 用服务,还可以提供灵活的许可订阅方式,例如永久许可、年度许可或按需付费等。如果您需要按 需应用保护,我们还可为您提供应用即服务的选择。 当今企业发展离不开应用的支持,F5 让应用更快速、更智能、更安全。 更多详情可登陆公司官方网站:f5***com[点击查看]
职位 学历 学院 专业 需求人数

Job Title: Intern of Marketing, F5 China

Reports To: Jack Wang – Head of Marketing, F5 China

Department: Marketing F5 China

Location: Beijing

Job Description

? Marketing team in F5 China is the business communications centre of excellence for China end-to-end marketing plan and execution, marketing research, customer relationship and marketing operation

? The role of marketing intern is the supporting role on marketing communications including daily marketing operations, events logistic, China website maintenance, and administrative projects.

? Supporting on customers relationship system - Marketo, information research and English translation, etc.

Responsibilities & Duties

? To assist and drive F5 China positive image through strategic customer events, local events, seminar and industrial customer events.

? CRM database - Marketo set up & data entry, Database maintenance and contact checking

? Information searching and translations.

·       Project based marketing research and PPT production etc

? You are going to report to Jack Wang - 50%-60% of your time to work on marketing planning, marketing management and marketing operations, projects based on marketing execution.

·        Another 40% - 50% of your time will work for Regional marketing manager – Jennifer Qin and Jack Jiang.


? Studying for or already has a degree in Marketing, Computer Science, Information Technology or related disciplines.

? Post graduate and senior college student is preferred since you need to work in the office for at least 4.5 days a week; 6-7 months internship contract at least.

? English major is plus

·       Graduated students is welcomed.

Technical Skills

? Strong written and spoken English. You have to communicate with some of our colleagues and AP marketing team in spoken and written English

? Proficiency in using MS Office, Word and Excel, Power Points

Personal Skills/ Profile

? Good attitude to role and responsibilities

? Good communication skills and team work

? Passion to work, willing to learn and change, and like to work in a fast pace company

? Flexibility and accountability working on the uncertain situation.
