

(全职,发布于2019-04-16) 相关搜索
  • 工作地点:深圳
  • 职位:副研究员
  • 信息来源:高校人才网




The scientific researcher fellow will participate in the setting up, development and daily operations of the following research activities of the Team of the Music Innovation Centre:

1.    Research project based at Shenzhen University and serving the music and musicology communities.

2.    Take part in the installation and operation of the research in music Laboratory.

3.    Interface with all departments of Shenzhen University, including Normal College, on questions relevant to the activities and projects from the research team in music innovation.

4.    Maintain daily operations of the Team of the Music Innovation Centre.

5.    Translate from English to Chinese a textbook for students of the Music Department of Normal Collage.

6.    Help translate from Chinese to English articles written by faculty members and graduate students of the Music Department of Normal College.

7.    Take part in applications to national and provincial projects.

8.    Take part in the organization of concerts, festivals and conferences.

The candidate will have a Ph.D. in music composition from a major school in China or will shortly receive his/her Ph.D. degree.
Chinese language: native
English language: fluent
Organisational skills: the candidate will have taken part in the organization of major music events
Technical and scientific skills: the candidate will have been fully trained and will have practiced techniques and theory of electronic and computer music

The position may be extended by two years after the first three years.




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