

(全职,发布于2019-09-04) 相关搜索
  • 工作地点:广州
  • 职位:2020校园招聘
  • 信息来源:艾利丹尼森




Avery Dennison’s Global Organizational Leadership Development (GOLD) program is a 2- year rotational, multi-functional leadership development program that accelerates careers and continuously develops talent. 

艾利丹尼森的全球组织领袖培养计划(GOLD Program)是一项为期 2 年的轮岗式跨职能领导力培养计划,旨在推动潜力人才 的职业发展和能力提升。 


The GOLD program offers a unique opportunity to learn and train in two cross- functional business rotations that are chosenbased on your background and skills, your career passion and the needs of the business. As a part of a global company, GOLD Associateshave the opportunity to work in multiple locations throughout the world. 

GOLD计划根据您的专业背景和技能、职业热情,结合业务需要,提供独特的跨双职能领域业务轮岗学习与培训机会。 作为跨国公司的一部分, 



Within two 12- month rotations, GOLD Associates will complete: 


Rotations in different functions and locations 


Enterprise Lean Sigma management skills & intensive leadership development along with finance training and hands-on experence at one of our manufacturing sites during your first year as a GOLD 

  成为GOLD培训生的第一年,将会在我们其中一个生产基地接受企业精益管理技能 (ELS) 和强化领导力培训,同时伴随财务知识学习与在岗操作实践 

Continued training and learning opportunities in your second GOLD rotation at Action Learning, a highly interactive week-long training focused on communication, advanced leadership development, and rapid problem solving 

  次年,在继续轮岗学习与实践的同时,将定期通过行动学习、强互动学习等培训形式,接受为期一周的重点针对沟通 互动、进阶领导力、快速解决问题的技能培养 

Participate, co-facilitate and leadership of Kaizen events 



GOLD program graduates are ready to take on business critical roles around the globe, including Plant Manager, Project Manager, and Commercial Finance Manager. Therefore, we are looking for: 


Highly motivated, creative thinker able to work effectively in a fast-paced, change-driven environment with excellent command of spoken and written English 


Bachelor degree or above in engineering, operations, supply chain, business management, finance, accounting, or related discipline 


Ability to relocate every 12 months into different functions and locations 




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