

(全职,发布于2020-10-29) 相关搜索


公司名称: 普舒蓝家具(上海)有限公司 机  构 码: 755041118
单位地址: 松江九亭久富经济开发区潮富路68号 公司邮编: 201615
所属行业: 21-家具制造业 公司性质: 中小企业(民营/私营/个体等)
联  系 人: 冯小姐 传      真: 021-67626105
单位网址: ww***com[点击查看] 注册资金: 14万美金
公司简介: 普舒蓝家具(上海)有限公司来自意大利,我们一直致力于为购物中心、精品店、餐厅和高端客户设计并提供定制家具和室内装饰。公司继承了意大利家具制造业的优良传统,融合高品质的材料以及精准的项目管理,自1978年以来,我们已向世界各国的客户提供了始终如一的服务质量。公司出色的表现和项目的成功引导我们在全球范围内不断地扩展业务;如今,我们已经在中国上海和美国纽约成功登陆。公司的全球化布局使我们从生产时间到发货速度以及现场管理等各环节为客户节约出可观的成本。另外,始终如一的高品质标准也使公司在业界享有声誉。随着多年的发展,我们对于时尚零售产业深入了解,经验丰富。时至今日,我们已同雀巢,范思哲,沛纳海,江诗丹顿,积家,朗格,巴宝莉等等诸多高端奢侈品牌建立了良好的合作关系。历峰集团中国区总部大楼的修复和装饰,为我们赢得了联合国教科文组织2009——亚洲最佳项目奖,也使我们的专业性得到极大认可。

职位名称: 项目助理 职位类别: 全职
招聘人数: 1 性别要求: 不限    
要求专业: 英语 要求学历: 本科
工作地区: 上海市 薪酬范围: 面议
外语要求: 不限 计算机要求: 不限

Meaning: The Assistant Project Manager is responsible for assisting their assigned Project Manager in the planning, management direction, project completion, client satisfaction, and financial outcome of assigned projects. The ideal candidate will be required to assist their assigned Project Manager in coordinating all contractual requirements, design drawings, and project specifications
Refer to: Project Manager
Position scope: work with assigned project manager to help achieve the project management objectives.
In contact with:
- Project Manager
- Sales
- Engineers
- Logistic & Planning
- Production
- Fitting
- Accounting
- Warehouse
Job Description and responsibility:
- Perform assignments and responsibilities as requested by supervision.
- Understand and perform document in accordance with company procedures.
- Conduct quality control activities in accordance with instructions, inspection programs, using specified control measuring and testing equipment.
- Understand and perform document in accordance with company procedures.
- Attend project coordination meetings as required.
- Research and recommend solutions to design document problems, including conflicts, interferences and errors/omissions.
- Participate in the continuous updating and accurate generation of documents, assist with the research and preparation of field change requests to resolve design issues.
- Assist in evaluation and solution of potential field problems, referring them to Project manager.
- Good English communication skills
- Basic experience in design or construction field
- Ability to read engineering and architectural drawings.
- Proficient in Microsoft Office, Outlook, AutoCad

截止日期: 2021年06月01日 发布日期: 2020年10月29日
职位人气: 2 已申请人数: 0