

(全职,发布于2021-01-19) 相关搜索


公司名称: 英格索兰(中国)投资有限公司 机  构 码: 607354585
单位地址: 上海市长宁区遵义路100号虹桥上海城B座10楼 公司邮编: 200051
所属行业: 34-通用设备制造业 公司性质: 三资企业
联  系 人: Phoebe 传      真: 021-36366969
单位网址: ww***.cn[点击查看] 注册资金: 3600万美元
公司简介: 英格索兰在中国拥有1个投资公司、3个贸易公司、12个生产企业以及36个分公司。公司在中国投资总额达4.12亿美元,拥有近6400名员工。英格索兰及其员工全情投入,积极致力于为中国客户提供多样化的产品和服务,并尽自己最大的努力为中国经济增长做出持续贡献。在中国,我们立足英格索兰全球发展愿景,以深入理解、充分满足当地市场日新月异的消费需求,全面把握中国在进一步改革开放和全球化进程中所迸发出的商业机遇,力争使中国区业务早日成为英格索兰全球业务的核心组成部分。

职位名称: 校招岗-物联网工程师 职位类别: 全职
招聘人数: 5 性别要求: 不限    
要求专业: 不限 要求学历: 不限
工作地区: 上海市 薪酬范围: 面议
外语要求: 不限 计算机要求: 不限
其他要求: ,

The IoT engineer position is a key role in Electrical System Engineering Department to manage IoT ecosystem, which includes system optimization, data value mining, function development, data model establishing and so forth.
Main Roles and Responsibilities
1. Join IR AP IoT project development, work with team to optimize system structure and achieve data transferring with existing service operation systems, as well as customer portal;
2. Responsible for big data analysis, work out data models and give cross functional teams valuable inputs, such as service notification, design risks and business opportunities;
3. Continuously system upgrade along with IoT technology development in industry, pay attention on new tech and leverage it to enhance IR system;
4. Work with 3rd party to develop data model of sub-system of IR compressor to achieve self-diagnostic and self-adjustment;
5. Work with cross functional teams, such as Service, Sales, IT, Commercial excellence, helping them to develop multiple data models and achieve business growth.
Requirements: Education, Knowledge & Skills
1. Master degree and above with Major in Automation or Electronic Engineering or Electrical Engineering;
2. Software and IoT background is a plus;
3. Data analytical capabilities;
4. Strong interpersonal communication skills; Fluent English in writing and speaking;

截止日期: 2021年04月30日 发布日期: 2021年01月19日
职位人气: 2 已申请人数: 0