
Pirelli in Tongji倍耐力轮胎上海同济大学宣讲会

(全职,发布于2008-03-12) 相关搜索
  • 工作地点:上海
  • 职位:Pirelli in Tongji倍耐力轮胎上海同济大学宣讲会
  • 信息来源:同济大学就业网


Pirelli in Tongji 13th March 2008 - Jiading Campus
2008-03-12 08:30:55.0     点击次数:【97】

Pirelli in Tongji

13th March 2008 - Jiading Campus






One of the best worldwide tyre player has come to China.

Tongji University has been chosen as a valuable partner!

Would you like to know more about?

Join our Presentation!

倍耐力轮胎,世界上第五大轮胎制造商, 一个拥有超过一个世纪的伟大工业传承的公司,一个真正的国际性企业并深深扎根于全球各个市场。超过百年的倍耐力轮胎的发展史也是汽车工业自身的发展史,品牌核心诞生于1872 年并于19 世纪末开始生产轮胎。倍耐力轮胎总部在意大利米兰,在全球拥有25个生产公司,拥有30000 名员工, 业务网络遍布全球160 个国家1 万多经销商.


Pirelli Tyre, the world’s fifth largest tyre group, a company with a great industrial heritage for over a century, a truly international enterprise deeply rooted in the diverse national markets.

For over a hundred years the history of Pirelli tyres has been the history of the automobile itself, the core business of a brand that was born in 1872 and started producing tyres from the late nineteenth century. Pirelli headquarter is in Milan, it accounts for 25 production plants worldwide and 30.000 employees. The commercial structure covers all the principal geographical markets and reaches over 160 countries with a network of around 10,000 distributors and retailers.


Politong 是由中意两国一流大学共同开发的课程项目,参与此项目的学生将可获得到中国和意大利两国政府承认的学位。通过发起Politong 项目,倍耐力已频频现身于中国的大学院校中。

3 13 日,倍耐力将与参与此项目的大学生们会面,借此向大家介绍公司的组织架构、价值观念、国际形象和实际招聘需求。同样,希望加入这个充满动力和西方文化的公司的英才们将有机会提交申请并展现他们的风采:这是个极其重要的拉近企业和学生距离的机会。

For the first time in China Pirelli meets university students in Shanghai Tongji University, one of the most prestigious and selective universities in China. The event is open to all the students who are going to graduate in the next months and to everybody who is interested in the opportunities offered by Pirelli Group. Pirelli Group has been attentive to the University world and follows the market of new graduates as much as possible: it makes its best to satisfy graduates needs and to offer them remarkable opportunities for their career development.

Pirelli is present in the Chinese university world through the Politong Project. Politong is an ambitious program which consists in the first Italian - Chinese University Course which will give Chinese and Italian students the opportunity to obtain a degree recognized in both countries. On March 13th Pirelli will meet students taking part in this program and will explain its group structure, values, international profile and current recruitment opportunities. High talented students willing to join a dynamic and cross cultural company will have a chance to submit their applications and approach the working market: this is a precious way to reduce the gap between students and the entrepreneurial world.


迄今为止,倍耐力轮胎在世界几大赛车运动中已赢得了无数的荣誉,并且是意甲著名球队国际米兰的主要赞助商。为打开中国市场,倍耐力已在兖州生产子午线卡车胎和轿车胎, 刚刚投产的轿车胎厂,先进程度在全球轮胎制造业中名列前茅,它采用了最先进的非机器人技术,此技术将用于生产中高档轮胎。位于兖州的合资企业,目前拥有超过1600 名员工以及在北京和上海分别设有两个商务中心。

此外,倍耐力是享有声望的世界汽车生产商法拉利,玛萨拉蒂,兰博基尼,保时捷,宾利等的全球合作伙伴。 倍耐力拥有百年的赛车事业:1907 年的巴黎-北京拉力赛至国际汽联世界拉力锦标赛(20082010 年度独家轮胎赞助商),以及中国亚洲超级跑车挑战赛。 倍耐力品牌的战略推广还依靠投资由好莱坞明星拍摄的电影短片,及拥有国际顶尖模特和中国影星参与的倍耐力挂历(也被称为 The Cal)也享誉全球。 除此以外,倍耐力还是国际米兰足球队的赞助商.

Pirelli Tyre focuses in particular on the high-end segments characterised by elevated technological contents and high performance. These are segments in which Pirelli Tyre has established itself in positions of leadership with regard to both its car and motorcycle tyres: Pirelli tyres are today seen as synonymous of quality, emotion and ultimate performance.

Pirelli tyres has won a great number of prizes in the world biggest car race competitions so far and is the main sponsor of the well famous Inter Football team.

The production activities in China with the Yanzhou plant dedicated to radial truck and passenger tyres has allowed the group to enter one of the world’s biggest markets, reinforcing its strategic position in countries with a high rate of growth. The new Yanzhou PCR plant, one of the most modern in the world for tyre manufacturing, uses the best non-robotized technologies and has been conceived for production of mid-high performance tyres. The JV in Yanzhou currently counts more than 1600 employees and has 2 commercial branches in Beijing and Shanghai.

Pirelli is partner of the most prestigious car manufacturers such as Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, Porsche, Bentley and many others. It has more than 100 years in Motorsport activities: starting from Paris-Beijing in 1907 to the World Rally Championship (unique supplier 2008-2010), and ASCC in China. The Pirelli brand is recognized all over the world thanks to a very strong and advanced communication strategy based on Pirelli Film with Hollywood Actors, the Calendar (also known as ‘the Cal’) with Top models and Chinese actresses and last but not least, the Inter Football Team sponsorship.



One sentence carved on the most famous temples in Europe says: “know yourself”

One motto in Pirelli Company says: “develop yourself”




Pirelli knows what you want, gives you what you need!

Join us! Our Group will be stronger!!

See you there!



Location: Jiading Campus of Tongji University

Meeting Hall of Mechanical engineering School

Thursday 13th March at 14:00


Pirelli HR department




Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored. @YingJieSheng.COM
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