

(全职,发布于2015-12-14) 相关搜索
  • 工作地点:天津
  • 职位:
  • 信息来源:南开大学


      112 Locust Avenue

                                                                                            New Rochelle, New York, 10805









公司简介Introduction of NFGConsulting:NFG Consulting is anAmerican consulting firm, engaged in providing management and strategyconsulting services, for example: internal restructuring, sales strategy andtraining, business development services, strategic planning, financialadvisory, supply chain consulting and M&A advisory.


Our mission is: to help our clients:

?     Reshape their internal structure, reducecost and increase profitability

?     Prepare for external exposure

?     Expand their market outside the PRC region

?     Attract foreign investment into China

?     Merge with, or acquire foreign companies


招聘岗位:Research Analyst

岗位介绍Introduction of Research Analyst:TheResearch Analyst program provides an avenue for recent University graduates toenter into NFG Consulting track. To that end, RAs are responsible forcollecting, summarizing, analyzing, and synthesizing information that serve ascritical inputs to client service or NFG engagement teams. The positionprovides an excellent career platform for the graduates to gain practicalexposure, understand the industry dynamics and develop expertise in businesstechnology.


Primary Responsibilities

?       Understandand scope the research requirements of NFG consultants on business technologytopics. Problem solve with them to provide most efficient and relevant researchoutput.

?       Conductin-depth research using proprietary and external databases and analyst reportsto answer requests posed by NFG consultants.

?       Summarize,synthesize and package research findings in a client ready format. Researchfindings can be communicated in the form of client ready power-pointpresentation or excel models)



1.     语言:can speak and understand English well

2.     交流沟通能力:Excellent written and oral communicationskills

3.     分析和解决问题的能力:Strong problem solving and analyticalskills

4.     创新能力:Creative thinking and strivefor quality

5.     个人素养:Self-motivationand a highly service-oriented work ethic;Willingto work at a fast-pace and in a highly demanding and results-oriented teamenvironment

6.     基本知识:General understanding and interest forbusiness technology;basic financial (accounting, etc. )

7.     基本办公技能:PPT, Excel, Word


·          学历要求:本科及以上

·          专业:工程类、金融学、经济学、会计学

·          工作地址:天津市和平区

·          简历投递地址:inquiries@

简历要求:中英文版本 (请于2015年- 1月-15日前投递)


上一条: [天津]天津市武清区新闻中心2015招聘编外聘用人员 <<天津 地区相关信息>> 下一条: [天津]天津市佰声文化信息咨询有限公司2016招聘