

(兼职,发布于2017-03-02) 相关搜索
  • 工作地点:上海
  • 职位:市场部实习生(设计)
  • 信息来源:前程无忧(51JOB)


公司官网:ww***com[点击查看] 职能类别:工业/产品设计 公司名称: Telenav-泰为信息(上海有限公司) 工作内容 1. 运营维护公司微信公众号。根据内部需求,撰写编辑公众号推送文章, 比如公司活动,重大产品上市,产品功能介绍等。 Maintain company Wechat account. Write and push articles to Wechat account for following activities: company event, product launch, product feature introduction, etc. 2. 支持销售部门的市场推广工作,例如售前市场PPT美化,或者概念产品的用户界面本地化。 Support BD team’s pre-sales work, such as marketing material preparation and UI localization of concept product. 3. 支持产品经理做一些导航产品竞争对手的分析。 Support Product manager for competitor analysis. 职位要求 1. 用户体验设计或者工业设计相关专业,或市场营销在读研究生。 UX, Industry design, or marketing related graduate students. 2. 能应用相关编辑工具,做一些图形处理,例如photoshop, power point等 Be capable to use photoshop, PPT to do some basic visual editing. 3. 最好有一定公众号运营经验,对社交媒体和数字营销有热情。 Wechat public account maintenance experience is preferred. Have passion to social media and digital marketing. 4. 一周至少三天,实习期可保证半年,尽快到岗


公司名称:泰为信息科技(上海)有限公司 公司类型:外资(欧美) 公司规模:150-500人 公司介绍:关于我们: - Telenav成立于1999年,公司总部坐落于美国硅谷,是全球无线位置领域的领军企业,也是全球首家提出手机导航概念的公司。Telenav具有世界一流的团队,目前在北美、中国、欧洲、南美等国家和地区均有业务开展。业务包括各种LBS服务、车载导航和手机导航。 - Telenav多年来坚持创新,拥有全球领先的无线位置服务技术,LBS云计算和大数据服务平台,为个人及企业客户提供便捷的LBS应用,满足各种本地化、实时、个性化的功能需求。TeleNav灵活且自有的LBS平台能够为海量的用户提供高效的LBS服务,几乎涵盖了所有主流手机操作系统和通用的网络协议。Telenav正与全球众多的无线运营商合作,包括AT&T、Sprint Nextel、T-Mobile、Vivo、CMCC(中国移动)等。 - 此外,Telenav还与Ford、GM、 Toyota、Great Wall, 、Motorola、NAVTEQ等汽车、 手机和地图厂商密切合作,为客户提供定制化服务。 - 做为全球首家提出手机导航概念的行业领袖公司,泰为希望通过自己提供的基于地理位置的服务,帮助消费者解决生活和出行中的各种问题,成为消费者生活中不少缺少的伙伴。 - 2010年5月泰为公司在NASDAQ成功上市,股票代码:TNAV。 我们的愿景: 成为引领改变人类出行方式的全球领导者 我们的使命: 帮助人们在出行的时候变得更加轻松、有趣及富有成效 欲了解更多公司详情,请登录ww***com[点击查看] and ww***me.[点击查看] 备注:求职邮件的主题中请明确注明“应聘”、“求职”、“申请贵公司”中文字样,否则可能会被视作垃圾邮件而被阻挡。   薪资 公司会根据市场和行业调研及每位员工的职位和职级,制定具有竞争力的薪资,并每年根据员工的绩效评估进行调整,确保全公司的薪资体系在同行业中的良好竞争力。 补充公积金 在原有的住房公积金之外,公司还为每位员工缴纳补充公积金,住房公积金和补充公积金将全部存于员工个人账户,帮助员工减轻购房,租房的负担。 补充商业医疗保险 公司除了为员工提供国家规定的养老保险金、失业保险金、医疗保险金,生育保险,工伤保险和公积金之外,还为员工购买补充商业医疗保险,涵盖意外医疗、重大疾病以及门急诊医疗和女性生育保险的保障,为员工提供更加健全的保障。 带薪年假 公司规定除了国家规定的公休日和国定假日,凡与公司签订劳动合同的员工,还可以享受带薪休假,带薪年假的计算将按照每增加一年的工龄,其年休假相应增加一天的准则来计算,由十天开始直至十五天为止。 年度体检服务 公司将每年为员工安排一次免费体检,全面保障员工的身体状况。 加入泰为 您将获得 全面和完善的薪酬福利体系 极具潜力的发展机会 持续创新,走在行业最前端 持续稳定发展,提供长期 和广阔的职业发展平台   About TELENAV : - TELENAV is the first company to launch a GPS navigation service for mobile phones in North America and we continue to work hard to innovate for our customers. As a pioneer in mobile location-based services, and a leading provider of personalized navigation, we are well-positioned to capitalize on a growing global market and emerging opportunities in personalized navigation, mobile advertising, premium apps, connected autos, and enterprise mobility. - We aim to be everywhere people need us. Our partners are wireless carriers, automobile manufacturers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), app developers, advertisers and agencies, as well as enterprises large and small. Our partners include AT&T, Bell Mobility, Boost Mobile, China Mobile, Ford, NII Holdings, QNX Software Systems, Rogers, Sony, Sprint Nextel, Telcel, T-Mobile US, U.S. Cellular, Verizon Wireless and Vivo Brazil. - Our personalized navigation services help people make faster and smarter daily decisions about where to go, when to leave, how to get there, and what to do when they arrive. We have subscribers worldwide - connecting with us from mobile phones, tablets, computers, cars and developer applications.  - Telenav's mission is to help reduce stress, improve productivity, and make life more fun for people on the go. Our personalized navigation services help people make smarter decisions about where to go, what to do, when to leave, and how to get there.  - Our products are available in the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Latin America through wireless carriers, automobile manufacturers, advertisers and advertising agencies, and app developers, including AT&T, Bell Mobility, Boost Mobile, Ford, NII Holdings, QNX Software Systems, Rogers, Sprint, Telcel, T-Mobile U.S., U.S. Cellular, and Vivo Brazil. You can also find us in mobile app stores (Apple App Store, Google Play, and Windows Phone Marketplace), connected cars, and on the web atww***com[点击查看] and ww***.me[点击查看]   Our mission: Help make people’s lives less stressful, more productive and more fun when they are on the go. You can also find us in mobile app stores and on the web at ww***com[点击查看] and ww***me.[点击查看]